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Environment and Urban Sustainability

About the Program

Contemporary social and environmental challenges demand coordinated responses that facilitate sustainable and equitable futures, and the health of life-supporting ecosystems. The program in Environment and Urban Sustainability is designed for students who are passionate about social and environmental issues and eager to learn about, envision, and develop innovative responses to challenges facing urban centres and surrounding interconnected resource-based communities locally and globally.

Students learn to evaluate effects of development on urban settlements and to assess and facilitate conservation and the development of sustainable responses. The program integrates the social sciences, natural sciences, and applied disciplines as related to environmental and sustainability issues.

Is the environment your passion? Understanding and managing our environment are among the defining challenges of today’s world. Governments at local, regional, provincial and national levels seek to research, understand and manage environmental issues. Companies of all types are incorporating environmental compliance into their management systems. Many citizens’ and other non-governmental organizations are active in seeking environmental change. Consultants provide the specialized skills to support them all. It is into this dynamic arena that you will move as a student in the Environment and Urban Sustainability program at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Integral to the program are field trips and research projects in the field, seminars by working professionals, teamwork situations, and a capstone group project in which you will prepare a report for an external client. All these components are designed to help you hone the skills required in the workplace and to familiarize you with experiences you will face after graduation. The opportunity to enrol in an Internship work term is available for the summer after your second and third year of studies.

An Advisory Council of professionals advises the program to assure the relevance and currency of the curriculum.

From your first year you will join a community of students and will be challenged with new ideas and theories as you develop the capacity to deal with a wide range of issues. Polls have shown that the key skills being sought by employers in the environmental industry are communication, project management, critical thinking/judgment, and knowledge of policy, legislation and current issues. Developing and mastering these skills are at the core of the program. Throughout the program you will be challenged to think critically, research effectively, work collaboratively, communicate successfully, and emphasize practical applications.

The EUS program is an innovative four-year program of 40 courses. The curriculum builds on a strong foundational year of interdisciplinary studies. Through a unique balance of required and optional courses, you will gain skills in creative thinking, research and analytical methods, and theoretical approaches, while choosing to pursue your individual interests.   

Want to make an impact? Where does your passion lie?

  • Environmental Policy
  • Communities and Sustainability
  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental/Sustainable Design
  • Environmental Management  

Apply to Environment and Urban Sustainability