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Tenure Review Process

1. Deadline to elect a 5-year probationary period

In accordance with the TFA Collective Agreement,  (PDF file) Article 5A.10, a pre-tenure faculty member can elect to have a 5-year probationary period instead of a 6-year probation, should they wish to do so. Such request shall be in writing to the Dean by no later than March 31 of the fourth probationary year.

2. Timelines for pre-tenure faculty members undergoing a normal tenure review



Submission Date as per Collective Agreement

Faculty Annual Reports


May 15

Pre-tenure faculty member is to submit the names of five potential external referees, as specified in  (PDF file) Article 5A.10.C. of the Collective Agreement


May 17

Pre-tenure faculty member is to submit the SRC portion of their tenure application dossier containing the materials outlined in  (PDF file) Article 5A.8. of the Collective Agreement


May 17

DEC to prepare year-end assessment to the pre-tenure faculty member


June 15

Pre-tenure faculty member, if they wish, may respond to the DEC in writing to their year-end assessment


August 1

All other portions of the pre-tenure faculty member’s tenure dossier, as specified in  (PDF file) Article 5A.8, including the year-end assessment for the year just completed, as well as any responses to that assessment, shall be submitted by the pre-tenure faculty member.


August 1

Pre-tenure faculty member is entitled to receive a draft letter of recommendation from the DEC


September 30

Recommended browser

Google Chrome (download Chrome (external link) )

How to apply

Send a request to to obtain the “Tenure Dossier” folder.

How to access your Google Drive

  1. Log into my.torontomu portal
  2. Click the “Apps” tab
  3. Click “Google Drive”
  4. The shared documents and folders are located under the “Shared with me” link

Before you start uploading files (optional)

We recommend moving your Tenure Dossier folder to “My Drive” for easy access (simply drag the folder and drop it to “My Drive”).

We also recommend to “Download Google Drive”.  This will create a “Google Drive” folder on your computer.  You can simply drop your files into this folder, and it will sync the content with the shared drive.

Recommended file types

You can create and edit documents, presentations, spreadsheets and drawings on the Google Drive in the Google Docs format.  Such files do not use your storage space.

You can upload Word Doc, Excel spreadsheet or Power Point presentation and convert them into the Google Docs format (recommended for the files with simple formatting);

You can save your file as a PDF and upload it;

You can upload Word doc, Excel spreadsheet or Power Point presentation without converting them into Google Docs format;

You can scan your documents and upload them in a PDF format.

Tips for scanning documents

Where to scan:  you can contact Digital Media Projects office (opens in new window)  to get access to and help with the scanner

Recommended settings for scanning text:  200 x 200 dpi, grey scale

Recommended settings for scanning text with images:  300 x 300 dpi, full colour

If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro, we recommend save such scanned PDFs as an “Optimized PDF”.

How to submit

After uploading all your files, send an email to  The date and time on that email will become the official date and time of your Tenure Dossier submission.  As soon as we receive this email, we will change your permission rights from “Edit” to “View” and share your dossier with the appropriate individuals for review.

Who will be viewing your dossier

First: the Chair/Director of your department/school and the members of the Department Evaluation Committee (DEC)

Second: the Dean and the members of the Faculty Tenure Committee (FTC)

Third: Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs

What happens to your dossier after the review is done

Your dossier will remain on our drive. It may be archived in the future. Only the Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs and you will have access to it. You will be able to download the files from our drive if needed.

Privacy and security

Read about the privacy and security (opens in new window)  of Google Apps.

Help and tutorials

For help and tutorials, visit Google Drive Help (external link)  website.

TFA Collective Agreement,  Article 5A/B.8

  1. The dossier has four principal parts: Overview, Teaching Dossier, SRC Dossier, Service Dossier as outlined below. In addition, where appropriate, the Chair/Director will submit to the DEC any other material (including record of disciplinary action taken against the member) placed in the PCF that bears on the faculty member’s progress towards tenure.
  2. The Overview must include, but is not restricted to, the following documents:
    1. Table of Contents of the dossier;
    2. Curriculum vitae, covering the member’s entire professional career, in an approved University format;
    3. Letter of appointment (the starting salary can be redacted);
    4. The member’s annual reports;
    5. Earlier year-end assessments;
    6. The member’s response(s), if any, to the year-end assessments;
    7. Any letters giving reasons for non-assessments
  3. The Teaching Dossier is intended to provide a description and record of a member’s major teaching accomplishments and strengths in a manner that conveys the scope and quality of the faculty member’s teaching. The Teaching Dossier should include, but is not restricted to, such items as the following:
    1. A statement of the faculty member’s philosophy, objectives and methods of teaching;
    2. A list of undergraduate and graduate courses, including directed studies and thesis supervisions, taught by the member;
    3. An explanation of the ways in which the member has maintained currency in his/her teaching field(s);
    4. Examples of course revision, curriculum development, and teaching methods as evidenced by course outlines, assignments, final examinations and other materials the member deems appropriate;
    5. A record of the faculty member’s role in curriculum and instructional developments such as administrative and committee service for the Department, Faculty, and/or University related to pedagogy, and including directing and coordinating programs, guest lectures, and other presentations;
    6. Faculty members may choose to include Faculty/Course Survey (FCS) results in their teaching dossiers for the purpose of tenure but in no case shall be required to. No negative inference will be drawn as a result of their absence. Any letters and testimonials included must include an indication whether solicited or not solicited. The member shall also provide information about measures of respondent confidentiality with regard to student evaluations;
    7. A record of the member’s special contribution to any teaching, including teaching awards, publications and presentations, instructional development grants, participation in conferences and seminars on education/pedagogy;
    8. All teaching assessments (where available) as well as any responses to those assessments and any letters giving reasons for non-assessments;
    9. A candidate may submit any other material that the Faculty member deems relevant to his/her teaching role.
  4. Evidence of SRC activities, which may include, but is not limited to the following:
    1. 1. A statement of the faculty member’s philosophy, objectives and methods of SRC;
    2. Single copies of the SRC works the member wishes to have considered in the examination of the application, it being understood that the member may attach a clear and detailed description of these works when the works are such that their physical submission is not practical;
    3. Examples of published reviews of the member’s published work;
    4. Letters of testimonial and an indication of whether solicited or unsolicited;
    5. A list of relevant awards and/or grants from University or external sources.
    6. A candidate may submit any other material that he/she deems relevant to his/her SRC role, including evidence relating to the quality and influence of the member’s SRC.
  5. Description of contributions of Service to the University and outside professional activities.