Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR)
Recent changes to legislation allow lower-risk air, odour and noise emitters to bypass the lengthy approval process by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (external link) (MECP), and universities are able to submit necessary reporting documents online. This new process is called the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR).
In the beginning of 2019, Ryerson retained an environmental consultant to assist with an assessment of all sources of air, odour and noise emissions on campus and to identify those that required EASR registration.
The university decided to move forward with a clustering strategy, so strategies focus on a holistic overview of the entire campus’ emissions. However, due to the February 2020 deadline for EASR registration, an interim strategy of clustering as many of the buildings as possible was completed, with individual registration for the remaining buildings. This resulted in six individual building registrations and two clusters containing three and five buildings respectively.
At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, eight registrations with the applicable building noise-mitigation plans were submitted to the MECP. Moving forward in 2020, the consultant will now focus on the best approach of integrating the six, individual buildings into the university cluster strategy. This will allow the university to have a holistic overview of all our sources of air, odour and noise emissions on campus.