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Annual Report 2018: Ryerson's Canada’s Safest Employer Award

CAUBO Award for Office Ergonomics Program

Deborah Brown and Geeta Sharma receiving the CAUBO Award for Office Ergonomics Program.

Since 1987, Canadian Association of University Business Officers  (external link) (CAUBO) has celebrated the administrative achievements of its members through the Quality and Productivity Awards (external link) .

The awards celebrate the best among all Canadian universities, highlighting the most effective and innovative practices that enable excellence in the management of risk, and human, financial, IT and physical resources in Canadian Universities.

At CAUBO’s 2018 Quality & Productivity Awards in Vancouver, Ryerson was awarded the Honorary mention for the Aches, Pains and Office Strains program.

A person’s hands set up correctly at a work station with a mouse and keyboard.

The innovative office ergonomics program provides a variety of self-help tools to improve the workstation set-up for employees, including:

  • an eLearning module
  • fact sheets
  • videos
  • 11 pre-selected ergonomic chairs that employees can pick from, if a need is identified


Canada’s Safest Employer Award

Geeta Sharma receiving Canada’s Safest Employer Award.

In October, 2018 Ryerson received a Canada Safest Employers Silver Award from Canadian Occupational Safety magazine. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments in promoting the health and safety of employees and students at the university. This national award judges organizations on a wide range of occupational health and safety elements. 

This is the first time Ryerson has won this prestigious, national award.

As EHS Director Geeta Sharma has pointed out while professionals in EHS provide the vision and direction, safety is everyone’s responsibility, “Every member of Ryerson actively participates in safety. Our leaders have provided unwavering support, our DSOs, fire wardens and first aiders support their departments safety on a daily basis. Our employees and students engage by taking safety training, reporting safety hazards, and above all we look out for each other.”

This award is a culmination of the hard work and commitment to safety from the Ryerson community.

Two students on stage in the Ryerson Theatre. One student is operating a scissor lift while the other is providing direction. Both are wearing hard hats, vests and boots.

The high standard of safety that is maintained is thanks to members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, (JHSC) the departmental safety officers (DSOs), fire wardens and first aiders.