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Dr. Ebrahim Bagheri

Ebrahim Bagheri
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Social Information Retrieval
BSc, MASc, PhD, PEng

Areas of Academic Interest

Information retrieval

Social media analytics

Software and knowledge engineering


Year University Degree
2009 University of New Brunswick PhD
2005 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad MSc
2003 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad BSc

Courses Taught

Course Code Course Title
COE 848 Fundamentals of Data Engineering
COE 428 Engineering Algorithms and Data Structures
COE 318 Software Systems


Ebrahim Bagheri is a Professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University where he holds a Canada Research Chair in Social Information Retrieval and an NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Social Media Analytics. He is the Director of the NSERC CREATE program on the Responsible Development of AI (RAI)—a 6-year, multi- sector, multi-institutional, collaborative training program that draws co-applicants from TMU, Waterloo, Western, UQAM, and McGill. Dr. Bagheri is the recipient of the 2019 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation in Industry-Academia collaboration and the 2016 Professional Engineers of Ontario Young Engineer of the Year Award. He has received $11M+ in research grants and has supervised 70+ graduate students and PDFs from diverse backgrounds, many of whom hold key positions in academia (e.g., Asst. Professors at Windsor, TMU and Guelph) and industry (e.g., Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, Sunlife, RBC and Thomson Reuters). Dr. Bagheri served as the Co-Chair of NSERC Discovery Grant Evaluation Group (1507) in 2021 and 2022. He currently serves as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology and Wiley's Computational Intelligence journal.

 Ebrahim's LinkedIn Profile (external link) 

 Ebrahim's Twitter Profile (external link)  (external link) 

Ebrahim Bagheri

“Ryerson is among the top-notch universities in Canada, where students and young faculty members have a real chance at making a mark.”

  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Synergy Award for Innovation, 2019
  • Toronto Metropolitan University’s Dean’s Teaching Award, 2016
  • Professional Engineers’ Ontario Engineering Medal for Young Engineer, 2016
  • Toronto Metropolitan University’s Early Career Research Excellence Award, 2014
  • Khodabakhsh, M. and E. Bagheri (2021). “Semantics-enabled Query Performance Prediction for Ad hoc Table Retrieval”, Information Processing and Management 58 (1): 102399.
  • Vo, D.-T. and E. Bagheri (2020). “Extracting Temporal and Causal Relations based on Event Networks”. Information Processing and Management, 57 (6): 102319.
  • Arabzadeh, N., F. Zarrinkalam, J. Jovanovic, F. Al-Obeidat, E. Bagheri (2020), “Neural Embedding-based Specificity Metrics for Pre-Retrieval Query Performance Prediction”, Information Processing and Management, 57 (4): 102248.
  • Falavarjani, S. A. M., F. Zarrinkalam, J. Jovanovic, E. Bagheri, and A. A. Ghorbani (2019). “The Reflection of Offline Activities on Users’ Online Social Behavior: An Observational Study”. Information Processing and Management, 56(6): 102070.
  • Zarrinkalam, F., M. Kahani, and E. Bagheri (2019). “User Interest Prediction over Future Unobserved Topics on Social Networks”. Information Retrieval Journal, 22(1-2): 93-128.
  • Member, Professional Engineers Ontario
  • Senior Member, IEEE