Angyridis, C. and L. Michelis, "A New General Equilibrium Welfare Measure, with Application to Labor Income Taxes" (with A. Mansoorian), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics.
Angyridis, C., "Search, Technology Choice, and Unemployment" (with H. Zhou), Frontiers of Economics in China.
Chisik, R., “The Paradox of Transfers: Distribution and the Dutch Disease” (with Nazanin Behzadan), Southern Economic Journal.
Chisik, R., "Cross-retaliation and International Dispute Settlement” (with Chuyi Fang), Canadian Journal of Economics.
Eslami, K., "Applications of Markov chain approximation methods to optimal control problems in economics" (with T. Phelan), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.
Li, N., "Pass-through of subsidies to prices under limited competition: Evidence from Canada’s Nutrition North program" (with T. Galloway), Journal of Public Economics.
Missios, P., "Preferential Trade Agreements, Externalities, and Domestic Policy" (with N. Bezmaternykh), Review of International Economics.
Ning, C., "Extreme comovements and downside/upside risk spillovers between oil prices and exchange rates" (with D. Xu), Macroeconomic Dynamics.
Sen, D., "Optimal patent licensing: from three to two part tariffs" (with S. Ma and Y. Tauman), Economic Theory.
Yildiz, H. M., "Dynamic Preferential Trade Agreement Formation and the Role of Political Economy” (with E. Conglin Chi), Economic Inquiry.
Yildiz, H. M., "Bilateralism vs Multilateralism: Role of Political Economy for the Prospect of Global Free Trade” (with E. Conglin Chi), Canadian Journal of Economics.
Yu, H. "On Comparisons of Information Structures with Infinite States" (with M.A. Khan and Z. Zhang), Journal of Economic Theory.
Barbiero, T., "Culture and Economic Development in Late Comers: Comparing China and India” (with H. Zhou), The Chinese Economy, Vol. 57, Issue 5, 2024.
Chisik, R., "International Sourcing, Complementary Inputs, and the Structure of Trade Agreements: Deep, Shallow, Narrow, and Wide" (with S. Rohany-Tabatabai), Economic Inquiry, 60, 1782-1805.
Li, N., "In-kind transfers, marketization costs and household specialization: Evidence from Indian farmers", Journal of Development Economics, 164.
Li, N., "Gains from Trade Liberalization with Flexible Extensive Margin Adjustment" (with C. T. Hsieh, R. Ossa and M. J. Yang), Journal of International Economics, 142.
Li. N., "Women’s work in India: Evidence from changes in time use between 1998 and 2019", World Development, 161.
Ning, C., "Stock–bond dependence and flight to/from quality" (with J. Ponrajah), International Review of Financial Analysis, 86, 102467.
Sen, D., "Patent licensing and capacity in a Cournot model" (with S. Colombo and L. Filippini), Review of Industrial Organization, 62, 45-62.
Ur Rehman, O., "Spousal communication and information sharing: Evidence from migrants and their spouses", Journal of Development Economics, 165.
Chisik, R., "Income Inequality, International Trade, and Firm Location” (with N. Behzadan), Economics Letters, 214, Article 110442.
Rehman O., "How Do Taxpayers Respond to Public Disclosure and Social Recognition Programs? Evidence from Pakistan" (with J. Slemrod and M. Waseem), Review of Economics and Statistics, 104, 116–132.
Sen, D., "A microeconomic analysis of subsistence" (with M. Mitra), Indian Economic Review, 57, 301-320.
Sen, D., "A characterization of lexicographic preferences" (with M.P. Goswami and M. Mitra), Decision Analysis, 19, 170-187.
Sen, D., "Expanding and confusing space of alternatives: A case for lexicographic preferences" (with M.P. Goswami and M. Mitra), Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 107, article 102651.
Yildiz, H.M., "Implications of multilateral tariff bindings on the extent of formation of preferential trade agreements" (with M. Nken), Economic Theory, 73, 301-347.
Yildiz, H.M., “The Role of Non-Discrimination in a World of Discriminatory Preferential Trade Agreements” (with K. Saggi and W. Foong Wong), Canadian Journal of Economics, 55, 174-212.
Angyridis, C. and L. Michelis, “Structural Breaks, Debt Limits and the Tax Smoothing Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence from the OECD Countries”, Empirical Economics, 60, 1283-1307.
Ning, C., “A new Markov regime-switching count time series approach for forecasting initial public offering volumes and detecting issue cycles” (with X. Wang), Journal of Forecasting, 41, 1-16.
Sen, D., "Labor policy and multinational firms: The “race to the bottom” revisited" (with A. Bhattacharya), Review of Development Economics, 25, 1515-1537.
Sen, D., "Equivalence between fixed fee and ad valorem profit royalty" (with S. Colombo, S. Ma and Y. Tauman), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23, 1052-1073.
Barbiero, T., “Spend Less, Get more? Explaining Health Spending and Outcome Differences Between Canada and Italy” (with L. Di Matteo), Review of Economic Analysis, 12, 403-438.
Kam, E., “Hicks on Hayek, Keynes and Wicksell” (with John Smithin), in Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies in Post-Keynesian Economics: Essays in Honor of Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia: Book Two, H. Bougrine and L-P. Rochon (eds.), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 107-120.
Kam, E., “The long-run non-neutrality of monetary policy: A general statement in a dynamic general equilibrium model” (with J. Smithin and A. Tabassum), Review of Political Economy, 31, 202-217.
Kim, D., "An alternative two-step generalized method of moments estimation based on a reduced form model", Economics Letters, 192, 109184.
Yildiz, H.M., “Tariff bindings and the dynamic formation of preferential trade agreements” (with J. Lake and M. Nken), Journal of International Economics. 122, 103279.
Yu, H., “The individualistic foundation of equilibrium distribution ” (with X. Sun and Y. Sun), Journal of Economic Theory, 189, 105083.
Chisik, R., "International trade and labor-market discrimination" (with J. E. Namini), Economic Inquiry, 57, 353-371.
Missios, P. and H.M. Yildiz, “Product quality, consumption externalities, and the role of national treatment” (with I. Ferrara), European Economic Review, 117, 1-35.
Sen, D., "Decreasing returns, patent licensing and price-reducing taxes" (with G. Stamatopoulos), Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics, 175, 291-307.
Stacey, D., “From engineer to taxi driver? Language proficiency and the occupational skills of immigrants” (with S. Imai and C. Warman), Canadian Journal of Economics, 52, 914-953.
Stacey, D., “Posted prices, search and bargaining” Review of Economic Dynamics, 33, 85-104.
Thompson, B.S., “A simple, graphical approach to comparing multiple treatments” (with M.D. Webb), Econometrics Journal, 22, 188–205.
Yildiz, H.M., "Should the WTO require free trade agreements to eliminate internal tariffs?" (with K. Saggi and W. F. Wong), Journal of International Economics, 118, 316-330.
Angyridis, C., "Public investment, government indebtedness and transitional dynamics” (with P. Tsintzos), Review of Economic Analysis, 10, 121-150.
Barbiero, T., "Economic growth and the public sector: a comparison of Canada and Italy, 1870-2013" (with L. Matteo), Review of Economic Analysis, 10, 221-243.
Sen, D., "kth price auctions and Catalan numbers" (with A-H. Nawar), Economics Letters, 172, 69-73.
Sen, D., "Patent licensing in a Cournot oligopoly: general results" (with Y. Tauman), Mathematical Social Sciences, 96, 37-48.
Sen, D., "Potential games, path independence and Poisson’s binomial distribution" Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 88, 125-146.
Wang, Y., "The impact of student debt on education, career, and marriage choices of female lawyers" (with H. Sieg), European Economic Review, 109, 124-147.
Yildiz, H.M., "Do free trade agreements affect tariffs of non-member countries? A theoretical and empirical investigation" (with A. Stoyanov and K. Saggi), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10, 128-170.
Yu, H., "Pareto refinements of pure-strategy equilibria in games with public and private information" (with H. Fu), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79, 18-26.
Chisik, R., "Does limited punishment limit the scope for cross-retaliation?" (with H. Onder), Economic Inquiry, 55, 1213–1230.
Chisik, R. and N. Behzadan, "Does inequality drive the Dutch disease? Theory and evidence" (with H. Onder and B. Battaile), Journal of International Economics, 106, 104–118.
Kim, M.S., "A fixed-bandwidth view of the pre-asymptotic inference for kernel smoothing with time series data" (with Y. Sun and J. Yang), Journal of Econometrics, 197, 298-322.
Missios, P., and H.M. Yildiz, "Do South-South preferential trade agreements undermine the prospects for multilateral free trade?" Canadian Journal of Economics, 50, 111-161.
Pupato, G., "Performance pay, trade and inequality", Journal of Economic Theory, 172, 478-504.
Tschopp, J., "Comparative advantage, capital destruction and hurricanes” (with M. Pelli), Journal of International Economics, 108, 315-337.
Tschopp, J., "Wage formation: towards isolating search and bargaining effects from the marginal product,” Economic Journal, 127, 1693-1729.
Yu, H., "On the equivalence of large individualized and distributionalized games'' (with M. Ali Khan, K. P. Rath and Y. Zhang), Theoretical Economics, 12, 533-554.
Angyridis, C. and B.S. Thompson, "Negative income taxes, inequality, and poverty", Canadian Journal of Economics, 49, 1016–1034.
Kim, M.S., "Bootstrap and k-step bootstrap bias corrections for fixed effects estimators in nonlinear panel models" (with Y. Sun), Econometric Theory, 32, 1523-1568.
Michelis, L., "Measuring the contribution of durable goods to the welfare cost of inflation" (with A. Mansoorian), Canadian Journal of Economics, 49, 815-833.
Missios, P., and H.M. Yildiz, "External trade diversion, exclusion incentives and the nature of preferential trade agreements" (with K. Saggi), Journal of International Economics, 99, 105-109.
Sen, D., "Licensing under general demand and cost functions" (with G. Stamatopoulos), European Journal of Operational Research, 253, 673-680.
Stacey, D., "Information, commitment, and costly signalling in decentralized markets", International Economic Review, 57, 1507–1533.
Thompson, B.S., "Graphical procedures for multiple comparisons under general dependence" (with C.J. Bennett), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 515, 1278-1288.
Yildiz, H.M., "On the different geographic characteristics of free trade agreements and customs unions'' (with J. Lake), Journal of International Economics, 99, 105-109.
Yu, H., "On the Nash equilibrium correspondence of a large game with traits: a complete characterization'' (with L. Qiao and Z. Zhang), Games and Economic Behavior, 99, 89-98.
Angyridis, C., "Endogenous growth with public capital and progressive taxation" Macroeconomic Dynamics, 19, 1220-1239.
Bajona, C.,"Intergenerational effects of a green tax reform for a more sustainable social security system" (with C. Miguel and M. Montero), Energy Economics, 52 Supplement 1, S117-S129.
Chisik, R., "Job market signalling, stereotype threat, and counter-stereotypical behaviour" Canadian Journal of Economics, 48, 155-188.
Kim, M.S., "Asymptotic F test in a GMM framework with cross sectional dependence" (with Y. Sun), Review of Economics and Statistics, 97, 210-223.
Missios, P., and H.M. Yildiz, "Pollution havens, endogenous environmental policy and foreign direct investment" (with I. Ferrara), Southern Economic Journal, 82, 257-284.
Ning, C.,"Is volatility clustering of asset returns asymmetric?" (with D. Xu and T. Wirjanto), Journal of Banking and Finance, 52, 62-76.
Sen, D., "When an inefficient competitor makes higher profit than its efficient rival" (with G. Stamatopoulos), Operations Research Letters, 43, 148-150.
Sen, D., "Patent licensing and entry deterrence: the role of low royalties" (with A. Duchene and K. Serfes), Economica, 82, 1324-1348.
Sen, D., "Strategic outsourcing under economies of scale" (with Y. Chen), Bulletin of Economic Research, 67, 134-145.
Tschopp, J., "The wage response to shocks: the role of inter-occupational labor adjustment", Labour Economics, 37, 28-37.
Yildiz, H.M., "Preferential versus multilateral trade liberalization and the role of political economy" (with A. Stoyanov), European Economic Review, 80, 140-164.
Yu, H., "On the centipede game with a social norm" (with M. Ali Khan and Z. X. Zhang), Mathematical Social Sciences, 75, 16-19.
Yu, H., “Pareto-undominated and socially-maximal equilibria in non-atomic games" (with H. Fu), Journal of Mathematical Economics. 58, 7-15.
Yu, H., “Strategic uncertainty and the ex-post Nash property in non-atomic games'' (with M. Ali Khan, K. P. Rath and Y. N. Sun), Theoretical Economics, 10, 103-129.
Barbiero, T., and M.S. Kim, "How powerful was the national policy? The lesson of the cotton mills" (with M.N.A. Hinton), Review of Economic Analysis, 53-67.
Caponi, V., "Empirical characteristics of legal and illegal immigrants in the USA," (with M. Plesca), Journal of Population Economics, 27(4), 923-960.
Missios, P., and H.M. Yildiz, "Inter-regional competition, comparative advantage and environmental federalism" (with I. Ferrara), Canadian Journal of Economics, 47(3).
Pupato, G., "Unobservable skill dispersion and comparative advantage" (with M. Bombardini and G. Gallipoli), Journal of International Economics, 92, 317-329.
Sen, D., "Outsourcing versus technology transfer: Hotelling meets Stackelberg" (with A. Pierce), Journal of Economics, 111, 263-287.
Sen, D., "An alternative proof of Fishburn’s axiomatization of lexicographic preferences" (with M. Mitra), Economics Letters, 124(2), 168-170.
Yildiz, H.M., "Hub and Spoke trade agreements under oligopoly with asymmetric costs" Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 23, 97-110.
Yu, H., "Rationalizability in large games", Economic Theory, 55, 457-479.
Yu, H., "On the space of players in idealized limit games'' (with L. Qiao), Journal of Economic Theory, 153, 177-190.
Galaabaatar, T., "Subjective expected utility with incomplete preferences" (with E. Karni), Econometrica, 81, 255-284.
Kam, E., "A tale of two motives: endogenous time preference, cash-in-advance constraints and monetary policy", Modern Economy, 4, 427-430.
Kim, M.S., "Heteroskedasticity and spatiotemporal dependence robust inference for linear panel models with fixed effects" (with Y. Sun), Journal of Econometrics, 177, 85-108.
Thompson, B.S., "Empirical likelihood-based inference for poverty measures with relative poverty lines", Econometric Reviews, 32, 513-523.
Yildiz, H.M., "On the relationship between preferential and multilateral trade liberalization: the case of customs unions" (with K. Saggi and A. Woodland), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 5(1), 63-99.
Yildiz, H.M., "Foreign direct investment and customs union: incentives for multilateral tariff cooperation over free trade", Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 22, 298-316.
Yu, H., "Large distributional games with traits" (with M.A. Khan, K.P. Rath and Y.C. Zhang), Economics Letters, 118, 502-505.
Yu, H., "Large games with a bio-social topology" (with M.A. Khan, K.P. Rath and Y.N. Sun), Journal of Economic Theory, 148, 1122-1149.
Bajona, C., "Trade and the environment with pre-existing subsidies: A dynamic general equilibrium analysis" (with D. Kelly), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64, 253-278.
Chisik, R., "Trade disputes, quality choice, and economic integration" Journal of International Economics, 88, 47-61.
Galaabaatar, T., "Expected multi-utility representations" (with E. Karni), Mathematical Social Sciences, 64, 242-246.
Kam, E., "Causality between international trade, export instability and economic growth in Bangladesh" (with M. Rahman), Journal of International Finance Studies, 12(3), 59-65.
Kam, E., "A simple theory of banking and the relationship between commercial banks and the central bank" (with J. Smithin), Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 34(3), 547-552.
Kim, M., "Simple and powerful GMM over-identification tests with accurate size" (with Y. Sun), Journal of Econometrics, 166, 267-281.
Missios, P., "Pricing of drugs with heterogeneous health care coverage" (with I. Ferrara), Journal of Health Economics, 31(2), 440-456.
Missios, P., "A cross-country study of waste prevention and recycling: Assessing the effectiveness of policy instruments" (with I. Ferrara), Land Economics, 88(4), 710-744.
Pupato, G., "Skill dispersion and trade flows" (with M. Bombardini and G.Gallipoli), American Economic Review, 102(5), 2327-2348, 2012.
Roche, M.J., "When does uncovered interest parity hold?" (with M.J. Moore), Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(4), 865-879.
Sen, D., "Outsourcing and downstream R&D under economies of scale" (with Y. Chen), The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 12(1).
Shiamptanis, C., "Fiscal risk in a monetary union" (with B. Daniel), European Economic Review, 56, 1289-1309.
Tajibaeva, L., "Property rights, renewable resources and economic development" Environmental and Resource Economics, 51(1), 23-41.
Thompson, B.S., "Flat rate taxes and relative poverty measurement" Social Choice and Welfare, 38, 543-551.
Thompson, B.S., "Empirical issues in lifetime poverty measurement" (with M. Hoy and B. Zheng), Journal of Economic Inequality, 10, 163-189.
Thompson, B.S., "Testing for bivariate stochastic dominance using inequality restrictions" (with T. Stengos), Economics Letters, 115, 60-62.
Yildiz, H.M., "On the relationship between tariff levels and the nature of mergers" (with A. Ulus), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 12(1).
Caponi V., "Intergenerational transmission of abilities and self-selection of Mexican immigrants, International Economic Review, 52(2), 523-547.
Kam, E., "Capitalism in one country: a re-examination of mercantilist systems from the financial point of view" (with J. Smithin), Financial Institutions and Economic Growth in the Context of the Domination of Finance Capital and Globalization: Financing for Development Financial Crisis, eds., N.L. Orlik, and T.L. Gonzalez, Mexico City, Juan Pablo, 37-56.
Kim, M.S., "Spatial heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent estimation of covariance matrix" (with Y. Sun), Journal of Econometrics, 160, 349-371.
Sen D., "A theory of sharecropping: the role of price behavior and imperfect" Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 80(1), 181-199.
Sen D., "Outsourcing induced by strategic competition" (with Y. Chen and P. Dubey), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(4), 484-492.
Yildiz, H.M., "Free trade, autarky and the sustainability of an international environmental agreement" (with H. Benchekroun), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Contributions), 11(1), article 9.
Yildiz, H.M., "Bilateral trade agreements and the feasibility of multilateral free trade" (with K. Saggi), Review of International Economics, 19(2), 356-373.
Angyridis, C. and Jolly, M., "Fiscal implications of the 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts" Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 7(1), 69-99.
Bajona, C., "Reforming state owned enterprises in China: effects of WTO accession" (with T. Chu), Review of Economic Dynamics, 13, 800-823.
Bajona, C., "Trade, growth, and convergence in a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model" (with T. J. Kehoe), Review of Economic Dynamics, 13, 487-503.
Caponi, V., "The impact of aggregate and sectoral fluctuations on training decisions" B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics - Advances, Vol. 1, Iss. 1, Art. 18.
Caponi, V., "Heterogeneous human capital and migration: who migrates from Mexico to the US?," Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 97/98, 207-234.
Michelis, L., "Savings, investment, employment, and inflation in a small open economy with habit persistence" (with A. Mansoorian and M. Mohsin), Macroeconomic Dynamics, 14(3), 365-387.
Michelis, L., "Monetary policy in a small open economy with durable goods and differing cash-in-advance constraints" (with A. Mansoorian), Economics Letters, 107(2), 246-248.
Michelis, L., "On money and capital with durable goods" (with A. Mansoorian), Economics Letters, 107(1), 36-38.
Michelis, L. and Ning, C., "The dependence structure between the Canadian stock market and the USD/CAD exchange rate: a copula approach" Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(3), 1016–1039.
Ning, C., "Dependence structure between the equity market and the foreign exchange market-a copula approach" Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(5), 743-759.
Peng, A., "A reinvestigation of contract duration using quantile regression for counts analysis" (with C. Liu), Economics Letters, 106(3), 184-187.
Peng, A., "Dividing time between work and study: Are tuition fees a factor?" (with L. Yang), Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 40(1), 13-29.
Peng, A., "Labor contract duration, indexation, and wage adjustment: interdependence and inflation propagation mechanisms" (with L.N. Christofides), Industrial Relations, 49(2), 226–247.
Roche, M.J., " Solving exchange rate puzzles with neither sticky prices nor trade" (with M.J. Moore), Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(6), 1151-1170.
Thompson, B.S., "Statistical inference for vector measures of inequality and poverty" Journal of Economic Inequality, 8, 451-462.
Yildiz, H.M., "Bilateralism, multilateralism and the quest for global free trade" (with K. Saggi), Journal of International Economics, 81(1), 26-37.
Yildiz, H.M., "The implications of a south-south customs union on tariffs, welfare, and the prospect of global free trade" (with H.K. Nath), Journal of Business Strategies, 27(1), 75-91.
Angyridis, C., "Monetary policy in a small open economy with Marshallian preferences" (with A. Mansoorian), Economic Record, 85(1), 21-31.
Angyridis, C., "Balanced budget vs. tax smoothing in a small open economy: a welfare comparison" Journal of Macroeconomics, 31, 438-463.
Bajona, C., "Entrepreneurship and productivity: The slow growth of the planned economies" (with L. Locay), Review of Economic Dynamics, 12(3), 505-522.
Caponi, V., "Post-secondary education in Canada: can ability bias explain the earnings gap between college and university graduates?" (with M. Plesca), Canadian Journal of Economics, 42(3), 1100-1131.
Missios, P. And H. M. Yildiz, "Trading rules and the environment: does equal treatment lead to a cleaner world?" (with I. Ferrara), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 58(2), 206-225.
Ning, C., "Extreme return-volume dependence in East-Asian stock markets: a copula approach" (with T. Wirjanto), Finance Research Letters, 6, 202-209.
Sen, D., "Drastic innovations and multiplicity of optimal licencing policies" (with G. Stamatopoulos), Economics Letters, 105(1), 7-10.
Sen, D., "Technology transfer under returns to scale" (with G. Stamatopoulos), The Manchester School, 77(3), 337-365.
Thompson, B.S., "The evolution of the conditional joint distribution of life expectancy and per capita income growth" (with T. Stengos and X. Wu), Advances in Econometrics, 25, 171-191.
Thompson, B.S., "Minimum wage increases as an anti-poverty policy in Ontario" (with A. Mascella and S. Teja), Canadian Public Policy, 35, 373-379.
Thompson, B.S., "Nonparametric estimation and specification testing of a two-factor interest rate model" Economics Bulletin, 29, 2346-2352.
Yildiz, H.M., "International productivity differences and roles of domestic investment, FDI, and trade" (with G. Das and H. Nath), International Economic Journal, 23(1), 121-142.
Yildiz, H.M., "Optimal tariffs of preferential trade agreements and the tariff complementarity effect" (with K. Saggi), Indian Growth and Development Review, 2(1), 5-17.
Yoshimine, K. and Barbiero, T.P., "Trade in capital goods and international co-movements of macroeconomic variables" Open Economies Review, 20(1), 113-122.