2024-25 Job Market Candidates
Placement Officer: Germán Pupato (gpupato@torontomu.ca)
Graduate Program Administrator: Karen Fajardo (ief@torontomu.ca)

Emine Busra Ariduru
CV (external link, opens in new window) Personal Webpage (external link, opens in new window) Email (opens in new window)
Dissertation: "Spatial Trade and Geography"
Job Market Paper (external link) : "Spatial Trade with Transportation Markets"
Fields: International trade, Spatial economics
Supervisor: Dr. Germán Pupato

Muhammad Azeem
CV (external link, opens in new window) Personal Webpage (external link, opens in new window) Email (opens in new window)
Dissertation: "Essays on Static and Dynamic Free Trade Agreement Formation: Role of Economies of Scale and Tariff Bindings."
Job Market Paper (external link, opens in new window) : “Role of Economies of Scale for the External Tariffs and Trade Agreement Formation:A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation ”
Fields:Microeconomics, International Trade, Game Theory.
Supervisor: Dr. Halis Murat Yildiz