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Guidelines for content

All content is screened prior to running on the digital signage screens. Please ensure your content fits within the guidelines below before submission. If you need assistance or clarification before creating your ad, please feel free to contact us.
Content of ads should relate specifically to one of the following:
- Toronto Metropolitan University specific services available to students on campus
- Toronto Metropolitan University specific events or contests available to students on campus, including faculty-specific and/or group areas; ie: international students, aboriginal, faculty of arts
- Important course/class deadlines or reminders
- Key information for students related to the campus; ie: OneCard pickup , OSAP info, GO Transit, Locker deadlines, etc.
- Promotion for the recruiting of prospective students
- Fundraising for causes that the university is officially invoived in; ie the United Way Campaign
Content of ads should be neutral:
- In the event of ads related to competitions or voting, information must be presented in an unbiased fashion with key information conveyed so as not to slant in any way
What we can't run on the screens:
- Advertising for companies or groups OUTSIDE of the university
- Offensive, violent, or visually extreme content
- Content that discriminates in any way