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Baldassar, L., Nguyen, H.T., & Stevens, C. (2024, accepted & in press).  (PDF file) Transnational grandparent migration and caregiving: A systematic scoping review (external link) . Ageing & Society.

Nguyen, H. (2023).  (PDF file) Ageing across time and space: The impact of mobility on late-life course transitions and the older-age wellbeing of Vietnamese migrant grandparents in Australia (external link)  [Doctoral thesis]. The University of Western Australia. (DEMIKNOW supports in scoping review on transnational grandparent migration and this chapter is under review to be published in Ageing & Society).

Baldassar, L. (2023). Migrant visits over time: Ethnographic returning and the technological turn (external link) Global Networks23(1), 160–173. 

Baldassar, L., Stevens, C., & Wilding, R. (2022). Digital Anticipation: Facilitating the Pre-Emptive Futures of Chinese Grandparent Migrants in Australia (external link) American Behavioral Scientist66(14), 1863–1879. 

Marchetti, G., Baldassar, L., Harris, A., & Robertson, S. (2022). Sideways moves to adult life: The transnational mobility and transitions of young Italians to Australia (external link) Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–19. 

Nguyen, H.T. (2024, September 25). Mobility justice for migrant grandparents. WA Migration and Mobilities Update, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.

Wilding, R., Gamage, S., Worrell, S., & Baldassar, L. (2022). Practices of ‘Digital Homing’ and Gendered Reproduction among Older Sinhalese and Karen Migrants in Australia (external link) Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies20(2), 220–232. 


Lin-Januszewski, L.-W., & Niraula, A. (2024, under development). Paper comparing immigration pathways and possibilities for Indian international students in Germany and Canada. DEMA, CERC in Migration and Integration.

Agnes Castaneda, R. (2023, June 26, distributed paper). Immigrant retirement and transnational practices. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.

Agnes Castaneda, R. A., & Niraula, A. (2023, February). The cost of mobility: International students at the tertiary level (external link) . Migration Policy Practice, Vol. XII(1), 18–25. International Organization for Migration (IOM). 

Agnes Castaneda, R. A., & Niraula, A. (2022, November 22). The pandemic created challenges and opportunities for Canadian immigration (external link) . The Conversation

Agnes Castaneda, R. (2022, September 22). Ethnography and the decentering of the knowledge agenda (external link) . IMISCOE PhD Blog, Special Issue on Methods, Autumn 2022, 11–14. IMISCOE.


Cherian, A. P., & Irudaya Rajan, S. (2024). Special issue: Middle-class Indian students: Migration recruiters and aspirations. Population, Space and Place.


Baldassar, L., Nguyen, H.T., & Stevens, C. (2024, under review). Institutional ethics boards, national statements and global projects: Navigating the administrative processes and epistemic coloniality of research ethics approvals in international collaborations. In M. Ali (Ed.), A partial account of an international research collaboration. Springer.

Baldassar, L., & Wilding, R. (2022).  (excel file) Transnationalism and care circulation: Mobility, caregiving, and the technologies that shape them (external link) . In Handbook on Transnationalism (pp. 388–403). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Agnes Castaneda, R., Niraula, A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2024). Complex pathways of Indian highly skilled migrants and international students to Canada (external link) . In S. Irudaya Rajan (Ed.), India migration report 2023. Routledge India.

Agnes Castaneda, R., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2023, June 27). Portability of concepts in migration governance: Temporary migration. In Migration research across borders (DemiKnow book tentative title). (Under review)


Nguyen, H.T. (2024, July 2-5). Managing transnational mobility in an ‘immobility’ regime: The lived experiences of Vietnamese migrant grandparents in Australia [Presentation and conference paper], 2024 IMISCOE 21st Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

Huang, Y. (2024, September 26-27). Future plans of Chinese migrant grandparents in Perth. 2024 ECU TRACS Migration Research Network Symposium, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.


Agnes Castaneda, R. A., Niraula, A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2024, April 26, distributed paper). Influence, information, and intermediaries: Migration decision-making among international students in Canada. Conceptualising Migration Brokerage in (Im)Mobile Times Workshop, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.

Agnes Castaneda, R. A., & Triandafyllidou, A. (2023, June 27). Portability of concepts in migration governance [Presentation]. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.

Agnes Castaneda, R. A. (2023, June 24, participant). TASA Workshop: Decentering knowledge in researching migration of the Global South. Organized by ECU Perth, co-sponsored by DemiKnow.

Niraula, A. (2023, June 26). International students and the pandemic: Changing migration aspirations and pathways? [Presentation]. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.