Schneider Electric Smart Grid Laboratory

The Schneider Electric Smart Grid Lab serves as a hub for researchers and practicing engineers. It is a collaborative facility for testing and demonstrating smart grid ideas and products to modernize the electricity delivery system and the engagement of customers in managing their electricity usage.
The state-of-the-art facility can physically and electrically represent a substation and feeders of any Local Distribution Company (LDC) or microgrid. It houses all protection schemes, breakers, transformers, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and advanced distribution management system (ADMS) solutions. Users are able to readily plug in renewables, smart loads, energy storage and much more, as well as utilize the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) to study their interactions under different scenarios in real time.
Next steps:
- (PDF file) Download a brochure to learn about the lab's extensive capabilities.
- Contact Eleonora Achiluzzi to book a tour.
- Read more about the lab's official opening.
- Watch video below.
"Harnessing smart grid technologies in a way that benefits the broader electricity system and the consumer is a key focus of the Ontario Smart Grid Forum. The Forum has been advocating for open standards and an integrated testing facility in order to advance innovation. This new lab represents an important step toward achieving this common aim by bringing together Ontario’s researchers, solution providers and utility companies."