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New(ish) to Computer Science? Check out the Debug Room

Alumni-led learning support helps new students climb the steep but scalable CS learning curve
By: Clara Wong
September 09, 2021
Maria Poveda

Maria Poveda, Computer Science's Student Skill Facilitator

Alumna Maria Poveda (Computer Science Co-op ’20) knows what it’s like to feel lost — “completely lost” during first year. Now a successful graduate of Ryerson’s computer science program, she’s become the department’s Student Skill Facilitator, running its relatively new service known as the Debug Room.

If you’re relatively new to computer science at Ryerson, the Debug Room may well become a lifeline — for coursework support, hands-on skills, or even a friendly face in the pandemic’s distance learning environment. The resource started in fall 2020, and has been expanding ever since in response to student enthusiasm.

Check out which services fit your needs, and how you can access them.  

Don’t Wait. Get Help Early.
Harir Hadi, a second-year Computer Science student, was an early adopter of the Debug Room. With little prior computer science experience, but lots of stress during remote learning, Harir felt completely overwhelmed, almost to the point of breakdown. She turned to the Debug Room, dropping in “at least three times a week, and during exams, twice a day, every day.”

Her initiative and courage paid off. She now sings its praises: “The Debug Room saved me. They were so professional, patient and caring. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without them. Maria gave me the confidence that I can do this — and I did, passing all six first-year courses with good grades. I just want to say thank you for this wonderful service.”

Hadi’s advice: “Don’t be shy. Just go there once and try it out. I promise you won’t regret it!”

How the Debug Room Works
Ryerson students in general may draw on broader Math and Computer Science Support from Student Life and Learning Support. Or they may turn to professors’ office hours, but these can often become crowded, rushed, and brief — sometimes as short as a few minutes.

The Debug Room is dedicated to students enrolled in computer science, and offers generous appointments any weekday, between 9am-5pm. The staff are also former computer science students at Ryerson. They’ve been there, done that, and speak from personal experience.
Currently, the Room is run via Zoom, although a collaborative breakout room is already set up for when classes return to campus. Thirty-minute slots are typical, but some students stay for an hour or more. After you book, you’ll outline your needs in a Google Form and staff will prepare accordingly before your appointment.

Services & Support: Here’s What’s Available
The Debug Room was designed first and foremost for program-specific learning support for students enrolled in Computer Science. Under that umbrella, there’s a variety of helps available. But as other complementary needs began surfacing, the Room expanded its offerings — and continues to do so based on student feedback.

Picture the following scenarios. Which ones fit your needs?

  • You’re struggling with lessons, labs or assignments: Ask as many questions as you want. Debug Room staff have taken most of the courses themselves. They know the material and the professors, and can explain concepts, go over examples, or help you with course intentions.
  • Your code isn’t working: Walk your Debug Room facilitator through your code. You’ll learn debugging techniques, learn what error codes mean, figure out why the code isn't working, and how to get it back up and running.
  • You want someone to observe your coding: Sit down and code under the eyes of an experienced coder. Work away at it, knowing that someone’s on hand to answer questions or guide you through a rough patch of code.
  • You’re curious about co-op/internships: Not sure if it’s right for you? Debug Room staff have first-hand experience. They can give you an early, inside scoop on what co-op or internships are like and how the process works before you reach out formally to the Career & Co-op Centre.
  • You want to access more resources: Need help beyond computer science? Debug Room staff can connect you to resources for anything from math skills and academic writing to mentoring programs, wellness, financial services and more.
  • You just want to talk: First year, especially distance learning, can feel isolating at times. Drop in to see a familiar face, say hi and chat, or feel reassured that you have a friendly advocate during your early years at university.  

“Helping students go from a place of not knowing to totally understanding and seeing their code work — it’s just fantastic!”

Maria Poveda, Student Skill Facilitator