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Policy Innovation Labs are an increasingly important development in public policy making with a variety of methods and approaches to building relationships among governments, organizations and citizens, generating ideas and designing policy. Yet, these labs are under-researched, meaning that many are established without a full understanding of their role and value.

The mission of the Centre will be to promote collaborative, interdisciplinary research, teaching, learning and partnership opportunities relating to innovative policy solutions around a range of topical, contentious and difficult social issues.

The Centre’s mission will focus on encouraging and increasing Ryerson’s scholarly research and creative activity (SRC) in the area of policy innovation and public engagement with the goal of becoming known as the leading centre for the study of policy innovation in Canada. 

The Centre for Policy Innovation and Public Engagement opens spaces for designers and consumers of public policy – governments, corporations, civil society organizations, communities and citizen groups – to contribute to the policy process through participation in new policy co-creation methodologies and in researching and designing new ways to think about policies.