Shiva S. Mohan
Shiva S. Mohan is a human geographer with research interests situated at the interface of migration and mobility studies, island studies and political geography. His work seeks to unearth and underscore the ambivalences, contradictions and precarities (socio-cultural, politico-legal, economic and ecological) within migrants’ lived experiences, in addition to those faced by territories vis à vis transnational migrations. Shiva’s doctoral dissertation focussed on Venezuelan displacement to Trinidad and Tobago, interrogating the island-nation’s responses to the in-flow of migrants. Before joining CERC Migration, Shiva was an assistant professor at the University of Northern British Columbia, where he taught social, cultural and development geography courses. Shiva is Research Associate at the International Migration Research Centre (IMRC), Balsillie School of International Affairs, Wilfrid Laurier University, where he co-produces the podcast Displacements. He is a member of the Migration and Development Research Cluster at the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), The University of the West Indies. He is also an associated researcher with the Swiss-based research NGO, Environmental Mobility Research Unit (EMRU).
Recent Publications
With Mountz, A. (2022). (excel file) Human migration in a new era of mobility: intersectional and transnational approaches. (external link) Global Social Challenges Journal,1(1), 59-75.
(2020). (PDF file) Human Displacement in the Caribbean during COVID- 19. (external link, opens in new window) [Discussion Paper]. Regional Coordinator of Economic and Social Research (CRIES / Argentina) & the Stanley Center for Peace and Security (United States)
(2019). A ‘Migrant Registration Framework’: Counting Venezuelan Immigrants in Trinidad and Tobago. (external link, opens in new window) Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, 8 (1), 41-45
Book Chapters
With Dietrich Jones, N. (2023). Navigating data “Silence(r)s”: Researching migration in the Caribbean (external link) . In (Bailey, C., McCree, R., Lazarus, L., & Dietrich Jones, N. (Eds.)) The Routledge Companion to Applied Qualitative Research in the Caribbean (external link) (1st ed.). Routledge.
(2022). ‘Recasting Colonial Codes of Difference: The Lived Experiences of Venezuelan Migrants in Trinidad & Tobago’, in Refugiados y migrantes venezolanos: Realidades y dramas de una crisis (external link, opens in new window) . (LF Castillo Herrera and V Capriles Moreno, Eds). Series Nuevo Horizonte, Venezuela: Mario Briceño Iragorry Historical Research Center.
With Mountz, A., Romero, M., & Visan, A. (2023). (excel file) How to research ‘irregular’ migration: approaches and perspectives from the field (external link) (pp.36-48) in I. van Liempt, J. Schapendonk & A. Campos Delgado (Eds.), Research Handbook on Irregular Migration (external link) . Edward Elgar Publishing.
(2024). MIrreM Country Brief on Migration Policy Context – Canada (external link) . In MIrreM Report. Krems: University for Continuing Education Krems (Danube University Krems).
(2025). Broken promises are why some international students turn to seeking asylum (external link) . The Conversation.