Masoud Kianpour
Masoud Kianpour’s research extends across multiple territories. As a sociologist and social psychologist with more than 10 years of academic experience, he has conducted research, mostly qualitative, in areas as diverse as the sociology of emotions, identity studies, media studies, social problems and inequalities, human dignity, and the provision of spiritual care in multicultural societies of both northern and southern hemispheres. His PhD research was a study of the emotional experiences of hospital chaplains and professional spiritual care providers in the city of Toronto.
From September 2011 to June 2022, Masoud was an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Isfahan in Iran, where he also chaired the Department of Social Sciences for two years. Within academic Iranian sociology, he is recognized as the translator and interpreter of Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman.
Masoud’s international academic collaborations have taken him to different continents. In 2019 and 2020, he taught in Australia’s highly multicultural universities such as the University of Melbourne and RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), where he was also appointed as an associate member at RMIT’s Social and Global Studies Center and took part in several research projects related to migration, multiculturalism, and intercultural communication. In Europe, he has collaborated with German anthropologists from the University of Tübingen (2016) and Goethe University Frankfurt (2018) to conduct cross-cultural research on the concept of the good life (Buen Vivir) in the humanities.
Recent Publications
With Mohammadi, N. (2024). The Quagmire of Ideologies: An Ethnography of Kurdish Virtual Life-World on Facebook (external link) , Journal of Intercultural Studies, 45(2): 274-291.
With Halilovich, H. & Boz, T. (2022) Fields of Play: Refuge(e)s in Youth Multiculturalism on the Fringes of Melbourne (external link) , Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies.
With Crozet, Ch., Mullan, K., & Qi, J. (2021) Educating Critically about Language and Intercultural Communication: What and Who is at Stake? (external link) , Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, Special Issue, 3(2): 153-178.
(2021) Body Management as a Resource Culture to Achieve the Good Life (the Keto Diet in Iran) (external link) , Culture and Psychology, 27 (1): 118-130.