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GTHA Government Owned Public Lands Web Map

Greater Toronto/Hamilton Area (GTHA)
Government-Owned Public Lands Inventory Map
Map of GTHA Government Owned Public Lands Web Map

About the Map

With a limited supply of viable land, the cost of non-residential land has increased throughout the Greater Toronto/Hamilton Area (GTHA). Depending on the location, servicing, local amenities nearby, and land-use, an acre of land can cost a developer anywhere between $325,000 to over $1.0 million. While land values continue to steadily increase, it is important for government agencies both within and across various levels of government to understand the magnitude and location of their land assets, and how to effectively use them to lever public benefits. Their land assets may be used to provide public benefits through public-private partnerships, partnerships with other governments or agencies, or with non-profit organizations.

The Centre for Urban Research and Land Development at Toronto Metropolitan University partnered with Evergreen CityWorks to develop an inventory of publicly owned land in the GTHA. This inventory, in the form of a map, identifies publicly owned properties from the Federal, Provincial, and local Municipal government as well as their local agency boards and commissions. The purpose of this inventory is to map each parcel of land that is publicly owned and describe the characteristics, which includes, but not limited to: address, ownership, postal code, size and land-use.

The web map is not currently interactive as CUR is working to update the government-lands inventory, at which point we hope to reactivate it. In the meantime, similar content can be accessed via MapYourProperty, interactive map accessible here (external link) .

This Public Lands Inventory was compiled by Lynn Duong, Researcher, Centre for Urban Research and Land Development (CUR), Toronto Metropolitan University. 

CUR would like to thank Devin Tu, CEO, MapYourProperty (external link) , for his expert advice and guidance throughout this project.

This project was funded by Ryerson's Centre for Urban Research and Land Development and with additional support from Evergreen CityWorks (external link) .


The opinions expressed in this database are those of the author only and do not represent opinions and views of either CUR, Toronto Metropolitan University or Evergreen CityWorks. CUR, Toronto Metropolitan University or Evergreen CityWorks are not responsible for, and expressly disclaims any liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. While the information contained within the site uses the most current data, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this website is correct, complete, and up-to-date. Lands, properties, and buildings owned by Government (Federal, Provincial and Municipal) in the Greater Toronto/Hamilton Area (GTHA).