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Repairs- Desktops, Laptops, Printers
Fees and Chargebacks
Type of Service | How Charge is Calculated | Rate |
PC hardware repairs for devices under warranty | There is no charge for this service. | No charge |
Support of non-warranty PC repairs | Staff labour - Minimum 1 hr @ specified rate. The rate is based on the average staff rate for the End-User Computing group. | $58.23/hour |
PC hardware repairs for devices off warranty | Staff labour - Minimum 1 hr @ specified rate. The rate is based on the average staff rate for the End-User Computing group. | $58.23/hour |
Support for printer under warranty | There is no charge for this service. | No charge |
Supported printer out of warranty | Staff labour - Minimum 1 hr @ specified rate. The rate is based on the average staff rate for the End-User Computing group. | $58.23/hour |
Support of non-warranty printer repairs | Staff labour - Minimum 1 hr @ specified rate. The rate is based on the average staff rate for the End-User Computing group. | $58.23/hour |