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Data Destruction & Recycling
Fees and Chargebacks
Type of Service | How Charge is Calculated | Rate |
Hard disc drive data destruction/erasure using DOD certified eraser device | Cost is calculated based on staff time (~45 minutes/device). Additional charges may apply for the disposal of the device, or for the hardware, software, and other resources required to perform the task. Details (external link) | $48.00/each |
Virus and Malware removal from personal computer | Cost is calculated based on staff time (~45 minutes on average between malware and virus removal). Additional charges may apply for the cost of hardware, software, and other resources required to perform the task. Details (external link) | $106.00 |
Recycling of end-of-life equipment | CCS can assist with the disposal of equipment. Please contact us to discuss the type of equipment for disposal. Please note that Facilities Management and Development recommends obtaining a E-waste certificate that can be supplied and included in Ryerson's Waste Diversion program. | Contact CCS Help Desk |