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Desktop Support
Fees and Chargebacks
Type of Service | How Charge is Calculated | Rate |
Install O/S & software | CCS does not currently charge for installing O/S and software. | No charge |
New PC set-up | CCS does not currently charge for installing a new personal computer. | No charge |
Move PC | Staff labour. Move of desktop or laptop to another office or desk within the existing local area that has an existing network connection. Does not include moving of large or heavy furniture. Computer must be accessible to CCS staff. | $75.00/hour |
PC component upgrades | Install additional components (ie: memory, larger hard drive) on supported desktop or laptop | No charge |
Upgrade or reinstall operating system | Staff labour. Upgrade to current supported version of the Operating System or reload the currently supported Operating System. Does not include data backup and restore | $75.00/hour |
Backup / transfer of user data | Staff labour. Backup and restore local user data to an existing or new computer | $75.00/hour |
Technical support staff cost, for desktop managed with same image as in CCS managed labs - per desktop | CCS staff build, test and deploy images to labs. A basic image is developed and customized to specific areas/departments, as appropriate, but the image is typically deployed for many computers. The cost of the staff time is shared. The cost does not include management software, hardware or software which will run on the desktop. Additional charges may apply if a significantly different image needs to be developed. | $20.00/year |
Management hardware & software overhead, for desktop managed with same image as in CCS managed labs - per desktop | CCS staff build, test and deploy images to labs. A basic image is developed and customized to specific areas, as appropriate. This cost reflects the cost of management software (e.g.: Deep Freeze, Altiris). The cost does not include hardware or software will run on the desktop. | $30.00/year |