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Fees and Chargebacks
Type of Service | How Charge is Calculated | Rate |
Application Development | Cost of Application Services staff + 10% management overhead | $22.88 - $64.06/hour |
Application Support | Cost of Application Services staff + 10% management overhead | $22.88 - $64.06/hour |
Apache httpd and CAS client (mod_auth_cas) | $75/hour 8 hours for initial setup and 14 hours for yearly maintenance | Per instance: $600 to setup; $1,050 yearly maintenance; |
Apache httpd and Apache tomcat | $75/hour 8 hours for initial setup and 16 hours for yearly maintenance | Per instance: $600 to setup; $1,200 yearly maintenance; |
Basic WordPress | $75/hour 2 hours for initial setup | Per instance: $150 to setup |