Creative Industries Core Elective Table II
For students admitted Fall 2021 and before. Students admitted Fall 2022 and after please see revised Table II requirements listed below.
For students admitted Fall 2021 and before: Students must choose and complete two of the following Creative-Content Modules. In total, students complete 12 courses from Core Elective. The courses on Table II are organized into six-course Creative-Content Modules, as follows:
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus two (2) of the following:
Plus two (2) of the following, if not taken above:
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 316 The Global Stage
- THA 340 Improvisation
- THD 220 Latin American Dance Forms
- THD 320 Western Dance Styles
- THF 201 Timelines of Performance History II
- THF 325 Musical Theatre
- THF 403 Landmarks in Canadian Theatre
- THF 405 Human Development in the Arts
- THL 100 Theatre and the Canadian Identity
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- MPF 290 Introduction to Film Studies
Plus five (5) of the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 760 Diversity in Creative Industries
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 551 Digital Media and Cultures
- FPN 536 Media Business Practices
- MPC 201 Visual Art: Concepts and Theories
- MPF 301 Business of Film
- MPF 302 Business of Film II
- MPF 327 Film History and Criticism to 1960
- MPF 427 Film History and Criticism since 1960
- NPF 188 From Page to Screen
- NPF 505 Independent Cinema
- NPF 510 Media and the Environment
- NPF 515 Gender, Race and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 520 Queer Cinemas
- NPF 557 Topics in Film
- NPF 560 Advanced Topics in Film
- NPF 563 Directors and Composers - 1940 to Present
- NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
- NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema
- NPF 566 History of Animation
- NPF 605 History of Documentary Film
- NPF 705 Thinking Through Diversity
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- NNS 101 Introduction to News Studies
Plus five (5) of the following:
- NNS 102 Understanding Multimedia Journalism
- NNS 103 Basics of Photojournalism
- NNS 204 Discovering Data Storytelling
- NNS 344 Making a Difference: How Journalism Matters
- NNS 350 Reporting on Indigenous Issues
- NNS 400 Critical Issues in Journalism
- NNS 401 History of Journalism
- NNS 402 Theory in Journalism and Mass Communication
- NNS 404 Journalism's Best
- NNS 406 Age of Spin: Journalism and PR
- NNS 410 Queer Media
- NNS 412 Documentary Survey
- NNS 419 Journalism in Comedy
- NNS 500 Journalism and the Arts
- NNS 504 Fashion Journalism
- NNS 505 Health and Science Journalism
- NNS 506 International Journalism
- NNS 508 Literary Journalism
- NNS 510 Reporting Religion
- NNS 512 Reporting Sport
- NNS 525 The Business of Journalism
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
Plus five (5) of the following:
- CMN 211 Language and Power
- CMN 215 Messages, Modalities and Media
- CMN 216 Communication Revolutions
- CMN 269 Countercultural Communication
- CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
- CMN 305 Strategic Public Relations in ProCom
- CMN 306 Risk and Crisis Communication
- CMN 310 Communication with Colour
- CMN 314 Professional Presentations
- CMN 315 Issues in Organizational Communication
- CMN 316 Questioning Data
- CMN 317 Information, Technology, and Control
- CMN 321 Knowledge Translation
- CMN 324 Strategic Storytelling in Industry
- CMN 325 Communication and the Digital Enterprise
- CMN 408 Proposal and Grant Writing
- CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
- CMN 448 Introduction to Visual Communication
- CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- GCM 110 Introduction to Graphic Communications
Plus five (5) of the following:
- CRI 420 Book Publishing and Marketing
- GCM 111 Graphic Communication Technologies
- GCM 130 Design and Layout
- GCM 210 Introduction to Packaging
- GCM 230 Typography
- GCM 710 The Art of the Book
- GCM 720 Magazine Production and Publishing
- GCM 722 Book Production and Publishing
- GCM 738 Photoshopped! The Art of Image Retouching
- GCM 740 Accessibility for Graphic Communications
- GCM 746 Sustainability in Print Packaging
- GCM 750 3D Printing
- GCM 754 Sign and Display Graphics
- GCM 802 eBook Production and Publishing
- GCM 810 Creativity, Clients and Design
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- MPC 103 Reframing Art History
Plus five (5) of the following:
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design
- HIS 510 Museology and Public History
- MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
- MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
- MPC 210 Visual Culture: Digital Art
- MPI 602 Media Languages: Old and New Vocabularies
- NPF 506 Art and Modernism
- NPF 515 Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 525 Photography in Canada
- NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
- NPF 549 Theories of Photography - Contemporary Topics
- NPF 553 Modern Movements in the Arts I
- NPF 555 Experimental Media
- NPF 559 Advanced Topics in Curatorial Practices
- NPF 567 Exhibition Practices in Contemporary Art
- NPF 568 Analogue as Meaning
- NPF 571 Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies
- NPF 572 Curatorial Practices in Toronto
- NPF 574 Aboriginal Visual Culture in Canada
- NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
For students admitted Fall 2021 and before:
Complete six (6) courses from the following:
- CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
- CMN 305 Strategic Public Relation in Professional Communications
- CRI 430 Canadian Media Entertainment Industries
- CRI 530 Talent Management
- CRI 540/FCD 540 Marketing the Creative Industries
- CRI 620 Concert and Festival Management
- CRI 840 Experience Innovation
- HTL 503 Meeting and Convention Management
- HTT 501 Casinos: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly
- HTT 605 Business Aspects of Incentive Travel
- HTT 607 Event Management
- HTT 610 Business of Events and Entertainment
- RMG 922 Social Media Marketing
- SOC 202 Pop Culture
- SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- FSN 223 Fashion Concepts and Theory
Required Group 1: One (1) course from the following:
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 817 Live Events Supercourse
- FCD 827 Live Events Supercourse II
- FDL 140 Managing Fashion Enterprises
- FDL 150 Project Management
- FDL 240 New Fashion Business Models
- FDL 340 Strategic Communications in Fashion
- FFS 102 Dress, the Body and Identity
- FFS 110 Art and Historical Change
- FFS 402 Fashion and Modernity
- FFS 511 Fashion and Material Culture
- FFS 702 Fashion and Abject Body
- FFS 710 Post Colonial Prospectives
- FSN 203 History of Design
- FSN 224 Fashion History in Context
- FSN 302 Fashion Histories: Ancient to Pre-modern
- FSN 400 Fashion in International Markets
- FSN 503 Critical Issues in Design
- FSN 504 Fashioning Feminism
- FSN 510 Fashion Film, Cinema and New Media
- FSN 555 History of Fashion Illustration
- FSN 706 Fashion Event Planning
Complete six (6) courses of the following:
- CRI 520 Design Management
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design: Global Survey
- FCD 558 Intro to Design Thinking
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- FCD 825 Design Solutions Supercourse II
- IDE 309 Sustainable Design
- IDE 400 Africa and Beyond
- IDE 500 Selected Topics in Interior Design
- IDE 501 Selected Topics in Interior Design
- IDF 100 Elements and Principles of Design
- IDF 200 Introduction to the World of Design
- IDF 250 Contemporary Art and Design
- IDF 300 Strategic Thinking and the Deep Dive
- IDF 500 Leaping Fences: New Directions in Design
- IRL 100 Intro to World Art I: Pictorial Arts
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 720 Media Regulation and Communication Policy
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- EID 100 Digital Skills and Innovation
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- RTA 711 Master Class
- RTA 893 Social Justice Media: Innovators, Creators
- RTA 902 Social Media
- RTA 908 Business of Producing I
- RTA 915 Legal Issues in Media
- RTA 918 Ethics in Media
- RTA 927 Business of Music I
- RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
- RTA 989 Emerging Media Markets/Entrepreneurship
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 530 Talent Management
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 620 Concert and Festival Management
- CRI 670 Music and Brands
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- RTA 180 Music and Film
- RTA 183 Rhythm, Beat and Groove
- RTA 902 Social Media
- RTA 907 Sound Media
- RTA 937 Business of Music II
- RTA 972 Sound Synthesis
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- RTA 210 Media History
Plus five (5) of the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 630 Advertising Theory and Practice
- CRI 680 Celebrity
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 816 Global Campus Studio Supercourse I
- FCD 826 Global Campus Studio Supercourse II
- RTA 220 New Media Art History
- RTA 310 Media Aesthetics and Culture
- RTA 912 Media Audiences
- RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production
- RTA 928 Introduction to Game Design
- RTA 931 Inside the Frame
- RTA 939 Indigenous Media
- RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies
- RTA 945 Writing for Factual and Reality Programs
- RTA 956 Children's Programming
- RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
Complete six (6) courses as follows:
One (1) Required courses:
- MPC 210 Introduction to Visual Culture
Plus five (5) courses from the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design: Global Survey
- FCD 558 Intro to Design Thinking
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- FCD 825 Design Solutions Supercourse II
- MPC 103 Reframing Art History
- MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
- MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
- NPF 188 From Page to Screen
- NPF 504 Technology, Culture and Communication
- NPF 515 Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 525 Photography in Canada
- NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
- NPF 553 Advanced Topics in Modern Art and Cinema
- NPF 555 Experimental Media
- NPF 562 Media and Communication
- NPF 568 Analogue as Meaning
- NPF 569 Disaster Images: Memory and Response
- NPF 570 Advertising and Consumer Culture
- NPF 573 Video Games: History, Theory, Culture
- NPF 574 Aboriginal Visual Culture in Canada
- NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
- NPF 607 Cultural Studies
- NPF 705 Thinking Through Diversity
For students admitted Fall 2022 and after.
For students admitted Fall 2022 and after: Students must choose and complete two of the following Creative-Content Modules. In total, students complete ten (10) courses from Core Elective Table II. The courses on Table II are organized into five-course Creative-Content Modules. Students must complete 2 modules.
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus three (3) of the following:
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 316 The Global Stage
- THA 340 Improvisation
- THD 220 Latin American Dance Forms
- THD 320 Western Dance Styles
- THF 201 Timelines of Performance History II
- THF 325 Musical Theatre
- THF 403 Landmarks in Canadian Theatre
- THF 405 Human Development in the Arts
- THL 100 Theatre and the Canadian Identity
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- MPF 290 Introduction to Film Studies
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 760 Diversity in Creative Industries
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 551 Design Media and Network Culture
- FPN 536 Media Business Practices
- MPC 201 Visual Art: Concepts and Theories
- MPF 301 Business of Film
- MPF 302 Business of Film II
- MPF 327 Film History and Criticism to 1945
- MPF 427 Film History and Criticism since 1945
- NPF 188 From Page to Screen
- NPF 505 Independent Cinema
- NPF 510 Media and the Environment
- NPF 515 Gender, Race and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 520 Queer Cinemas
- NPF 557 Topics in Film
- NPF 560 Advanced Topics in Film
- NPF 563 Directors and Composers - 1940 to Present
- NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
- NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema
- NPF 566 History of Animation
- NPF 605 History of Documentary Film
- NPF 705 Thinking Through Diversity
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- NNS 101 Introduction to News Studies
Plus four (4) of the following:
- NNS 102 Understanding Multimedia Journalism
- NNS 103 Basics of Photojournalism
- NNS 204 Discovering Data Storytelling
- NNS 344 Making a Difference: How Journalism Matters
- NNS 350 Reporting on Indigenous Issues
- NNS 400 Critical Issues in Journalism
- NNS 401 History of Journalism
- NNS 402 Theory in Journalism and Mass Communication
- NNS 404 Journalism's Best
- NNS 406 Age of Spin: Journalism and PR
- NNS 410 Queer Media
- NNS 412 Documentary Survey
- NNS 419 Journalism in Comedy
- NNS 500 Journalism and the Arts
- NNS 504 Fashion Journalism
- NNS 505 Health and Science Journalism
- NNS 506 International Journalism
- NNS 508 Literary Journalism
- NNS 510 Reporting Religion
- NNS 512 Reporting Sport
- NNS 525 The Business of Journalism
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CMN 211 Language and Power
- CMN 215 Messages, Modalities and Media
- CMN 216 Communication Revolutions
- CMN 269 Countercultural Communication
- CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
- CMN 305 Strategic Public Relations in ProCom
- CMN 306 Risk and Crisis Communication
- CMN 310 Communication with Colour
- CMN 314 Professional Presentations
- CMN 315 Issues in Organizational Communication
- CMN 316 Questioning Data
- CMN 317 Information, Technology, and Control
- CMN 321 Knowledge Translation
- CMN 324 Strategic Storytelling in Industry
- CMN 325 Communication and the Digital Enterprise
- CMN 408 Proposal and Grant Writing
- CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
- CMN 448 Introduction to Visual Communication
- CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- GCM 110 Introduction to Graphic Communications
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 420 Book Publishing and Marketing
- GCM 111 Graphic Communication Technologies
- GCM 130 Design and Layout
- GCM 210 Introduction to Packaging
- GCM 230 Typography
- GCM 710 The Art of the Book
- GCM 720 Magazine Production and Publishing
- GCM 722 Book Production and Publishing
- GCM 738 Photoshopped! The Art of Image Retouching
- GCM 740 Accessibility for Graphic Communications
- GCM 746 Sustainability in Print Packaging
- GCM 750 3D Printing
- GCM 754 Sign and Display Graphics
- GCM 802 eBook Production and Publishing
- GCM 810 Creativity, Clients and Design
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required courses:
- MPC 103 Art and the Classical Tradition
Plus four (4) of the following:
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design
- HIS 510 Museology and Public History
- MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
- MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
- MPC 210 Visual Culture: Digital Art
- MPI 602 Media Languages: Old and New Vocabularies
- NPF 506 Art and Modernism
- NPF 515 Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 525 Photography in Canada
- NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
- NPF 549 Theories of Photography - Contemporary Topics
- NPF 553 Modern Movements in the Arts I
- NPF 555 Experimental Media
- NPF 559 Advanced Topics in Curatorial Practices
- NPF 567 Exhibition Practices in Contemporary Art
- NPF 568 Analogue as Meaning
- NPF 571 Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies
- NPF 572 Curatorial Practices in Toronto
- NPF 574 Aboriginal Visual Culture in Canada
- NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
Complete five (5) courses from the following:
- CMN 288 Communication and Social Media
- CMN 305 Strategic Public Relation in Professional Communications
- CRI 430 Canadian Media Entertainment Industries
- CRI 530 Talent Management
- CRI 540/FCD 540 Marketing the Creative Industries
- CRI 620 Concert and Festival Management
- CRI 840 Experience Innovation
- HTL 503 Meeting and Convention Management
- HTT 501 Casinos: The Good, the Bad and The Ugly
- HTT 605 Business Aspects of Incentive Travel
- HTT 607 Event Management
- HTT 610 Business of Events and Entertainment
- RMG 922 Social Media Marketing
- SOC 202 Pop Culture
- SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- FSN 223 Fashion Concepts and Theory
Required Group 1: One (1) course from the following:
Plus three (3) of the following:
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 817 Live Events Supercourse
- FCD 827 Live Events Supercourse II
- FDL 140 Managing Fashion Enterprises
- FDL 150 Project Management
- FDL 240 New Fashion Business Models
- FDL 340 Strategic Communications in Fashion
- FFS 102 Dress, the Body and Identity
- FFS 110 Art and Historical Change
- FFS 402 Fashion and Modernity
- FFS 511 Fashion and Material Culture
- FFS 702 Fashion and Abject Body
- FFS 710 Post Colonial Prospectives
- FSN 203 History of Design
- FSN 224 Fashion History in Context
- FSN 302 Fashion Histories: Ancient to Pre-modern
- FSN 400 Fashion in International Markets
- FSN 503 Critical Issues in Design
- FSN 504 Fashioning Feminism
- FSN 510 Fashion Film, Cinema and New Media
- FSN 555 History of Fashion Illustration
- FSN 706 Fashion Event Planning
Complete five (5) courses of the following:
- CRI 520 Design Management
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design: Global Survey
- FCD 558 Intro to Design Thinking
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- FCD 825 Design Solutions Supercourse II
- IDE 309 Sustainable Design
- IDE 400 Africa and Beyond
- IDE 500 Selected Topics in Interior Design
- IDE 501 Selected Topics in Interior Design
- IDF 100 Elements and Principles of Design
- IDF 200 Introduction to the World of Design
- IDF 250 Contemporary Art and Design
- IDF 300 Strategic Thinking and the Deep Dive
- IDF 500 Leaping Fences: New Directions in Design
- IRL 100 Intro to World Art I: Pictorial Arts
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus three (3) of the following:
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 720 Media Regulation and Communication Policy
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- EID 100 Digital Skills and Innovation
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- RTA 711 Master Class
- RTA 893 Social Justice Media: Innovators, Creators
- RTA 902 Social Media
- RTA 908 Business of Producing I
- RTA 915 Legal Issues in Media
- RTA 918 Ethics in Media
- RTA 927 Business of Music I
- RTA 938 Digital Popular Cultures
- RTA 989 Emerging Media Markets/Entrepreneurship
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
Two (2) Required courses:
Plus three (3) of the following:
- CRI 530 Talent Management
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 620 Concert and Festival Management
- CRI 670 Music and Brands
- CRI 820 Global Licensing/Distribution Agreements
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- RTA 180 Music and Film
- RTA 183 Rhythm, Beat and Groove
- RTA 902 Social Media
- RTA 907 Sound Media
- RTA 937 Business of Music II
- RTA 972 Sound Synthesis
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required course:
- RTA 210 Media History
Plus four (4) of the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 630 Advertising Theory and Practice
- CRI 680 Celebrity
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 816 Global Campus Studio Supercourse I
- FCD 826 Global Campus Studio Supercourse II
- RTA 220 New Media Art History
- RTA 310 Media Aesthetics and Culture
- RTA 912 Media Audiences
- RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production
- RTA 928 Introduction to Game Design
- RTA 931 Inside the Frame
- RTA 939 Indigenous Media
- RTA 940 Canadian Televisual Studies
- RTA 945 Writing for Factual and Reality Programs
- RTA 956 Children's Programming
- RTA 988 International Media Storytelling
Complete five (5) courses as follows:
One (1) Required courses:
- MPC 210 Introduction to Visual Culture
Plus four (4) courses from the following:
- CRI 450 Appreciating Creativity in Practice
- CRI 540 Marketing Creative Industries
- CRI 860 The Big Night
- FCD 240 History of Art and Design: Global Survey
- FCD 558 Intro to Design Thinking
- FCD 815 Design Solutions Supercourse I
- FCD 825 Design Solutions Supercourse II
- MPC 103 Art and the Classical Tradition
- MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
- MPC 203 Art in the Modern World
- NPF 188 From Page to Screen
- NPF 504 Technology, Culture and Communication
- NPF 515 Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Art
- NPF 525 Photography in Canada
- NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
- NPF 553 Advanced Topics in Modern Art and Cinema
- NPF 555 Experimental Media
- NPF 562 Media and Communication
- NPF 568 Analogue as Meaning
- NPF 569 Disaster Images: Memory and Response
- NPF 570 Advertising and Consumer Culture
- NPF 573 Video Games: History, Theory, Culture
- NPF 574 Aboriginal Visual Culture in Canada
- NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
- NPF 607 Cultural Studies
- NPF 705 Thinking Through Diversity