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Important Notice

By the act of enrolling in a course of study, each student at Toronto Metropolitan University agrees to observe and be bound by the terms of this notice, and the terms, conditions, regulations and policies contained in the online Calendar, the university website and supplemental materials provided for students, such as, departmental and Faculty Student Handbooks, newsletters and special communications. 

TMU will be the sole arbiter in the interpretation of policies and procedures and standards for admission to its courses of study and may, without prior notice, limit enrolment in or admission to any course or program at any level. 

TMU reserves the right to change, without notice, any information appearing in this Calendar pertaining to the standards for admission to, the requirements for the continuation of study in, and the requirements for the granting of degrees or certificates in any of its programs.

TMU reserves the right to alter the fees and other charges described in this Calendar, as well as on TMU’s official website, and to impose from time to time additional regulations, policies and codes of conduct. Enrolling students are expected to familiarize themselves with the Significant Dates and the Enrolment, Records and Academic Information sections contained in this online Calendar and subsequent editions, Senate Policies posted on the university’s website, as well as with the information pertaining to any in which they are enrolled.

TMU reserves the right to withdraw or cancel programs or courses that are under-enrolled. TMU reserves the right to make such changes in rules, regulations and promotional policies as may be required.

Course descriptions are provided in this Calendar as a matter of general information to assist present and prospective students in selecting their programs of study. While these descriptions are accurate as of the date of publication, students are cautioned that actual course content and the hours and type of instruction may vary from the listings in the Calendar or, from other course management information made available. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with, and be governed by the rules and regulations of the program department in which they are enrolled, and the promotional policies of that department.

Newly admitted students who do not enrol in courses in their first term by the fall term last day to enrol forfeit their offer of acceptance and will need to re-apply for the following admission intake.

It is the responsibility of each Full-time undergraduate student to access the updated online Full-time Undergraduate Calendar each year, and follow their curriculum as stated.

It is the responsibility of each Part-time undergraduate student to complete the curriculum for their program as set out in the online edition of the Part-time Undergraduate Calendar of the year they were admitted to their program, unless stated otherwise.

It is the responsibility of Graduate students, Law students and Continuing Education students to follow the curriculum for their programs and courses of study as outlined in the respective on-line calendars. 

Students are to follow the Significant Dates in the current Undergraduate Calendar.

Additions and Corrections to the Calendar are posted in Addenda and Errata.

Previous Undergraduate Online Calendars are available at: (external link) 

Graduate School information is available at: (external link) 

Law School information is available at: (external link) 

G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education information is available at: (external link) 

External Links are provided for the convenience of the reader. Toronto Metropolitan University does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external sites. 



The Province of Ontario and Toronto Metropolitan University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, and may change in response to new information. Please be advised that course offerings, curriculum, course outlines, significant dates, grading options, and, more generally, the manner of delivery of courses, programs, services, and co-curricular opportunities, are all subject to change or modification. Any changes to the above matters or matters related to those identified above will be in accordance with the University’s policies and practices, the interpretation of which may be informed by instructions and guidance from the municipal, provincial, and federal governments, public health authorities, and considerations surrounding preventing the transmission of COVID-19, and, more generally, promoting public health, safety, and wellbeing. See COVID-19 Information and Updates for current details. Any information affecting tuition and fees will be available though Financial Assistance, Awards, and Student Fees


The University will not be liable for any failure in, delay in, or any other issues related to academic progression arising out of any cause or causes beyond its reasonable control. Such causes may include but are not limited to fire, strike, lock-out, inability to procure materials or trades, war, mass-casualty event, flood, local, regional or global outbreak of disease or other public health emergency, social distancing or quarantine restriction, legislative or regulatory requirements, unusually severe weather, failure of public utility or common carrier, or attacks or other malicious act, including but not limited to attacks on or through the internet, or any internet service, telecommunications provider or hosting facility.


The University thanks our students, faculty, and staff for their patience and flexibility as we move through these unprecedented times. We remain committed to the continued health and safety of our community, as well as the exceptional education and engaging experiences for which TMU is known.