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Optional Specialization in Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This specialization is open to undergraduate engineering students.

Students who opt for this specialization will gain both a solid foundation of innovation and entrepreneurship theory as well as the immersive experience of advancing and shaping their own ideas into a business. Students who complete this optional specialization will develop a competency in needs assessments and market research so that they are prepared to analyze the competitive landscape and hone in on suitable target markets. Students will develop greater financial literacy with respect to technology venture financing including cost analysis, cash flow management and inflation impacts.

Admission is restricted to undergraduate engineering students who have completed the first year or higher of their undergraduate degree program with CLEAR academic standing.

Students must successfully complete all six courses within the OS EIE with a minimum CGPA of 1.67 (and achieve a minimum CGPA of 1.67 for all courses required for their program simultaneously) before graduation to earn this special designation on their transcripts.

There are two types of courses offered within the optional specialization:

  • lecture-based, and
  • practicum (experiential) courses.

The lecture based courses cover the Principles of Engineering Economics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, and Technology based New Venture Creation.

The practicum (experiential) suite of courses mirrors a well known three-stage technology commercialization phase-gate process which involves: Business Concept Identification – customer's discovery stage, Market & Technology Development – customer's validation stage, and Business Development & Market Readiness – customer's creation stage.

To receive this Optional Specialization, you must complete the following curriculum:

REQUIRED (6 courses):

ECN 801 Principles of Engineering Economics
EMS 201 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
EIE 201 Start-up of Technology Ventures
EIE 301 Practicum I – New Venture Identification
EIE 401 Practicum II – Market and Tech Development
EIE 501 Practicum III – Bus Dev and Mkt Readiness