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Toronto Metropolitan University Senate
The Senate is the academic policy making body of Toronto Metropolitan University.
The Senate consists of 51 elected representatives of the faculty, librarians, students and alumni, and 18 ex-officio members of the administration, including the Chancellor. Senate is chaired by the President.
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Senate Members 2022-2023 | Appointment Type | ||
Ali, Abdul Sami | Student | Engineering and Architectural Science | Industrial Engineering |
Ali, Syeda Jaana | Alumni | ||
Alvi, Saher | Student | Faculty of Science | Biology |
Aurony, Nousheen Zaima | Student | Faculty of Arts | International Economics & Finance |
Bell, Donna | Secretary of Senate | ||
Benvie, Sam | Faculty | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | Architectural Science |
Brahmbhatt, Harsh | Student | Yeates School of Graduate Studies | Business Administration |
Brinsmead, Anne-Marie | Senate Associate | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | |
Burke, Tara | Faculty | At Large | Psychology, Faculty of Arts |
Caribou, Jeremie | Senate Associate | Indigenous | |
Checkland, David | Faculty | Arts | Philosophy |
Chen, Naomi | Student | At Large | The Creative School, Media Production |
Clements-Cortes, Amy | Faculty | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | Interdisciplinary Studies |
Cramb, David | Ex-Officio | Science | Dean |
Craney, Glenn | Ex-Officio | Deputy Provost & Vice Provost, University Planning | |
Duever, Thomas | Ex-Officio | Engineering and Architectural Science | Dean |
Elder Dallaire, Joanne | Senate Associate | Indigenous | |
Escandon, Lorena | Faculty | The Creative School | Creative Industries |
Falzon, Charles | Ex-Officio | The Creative School | Dean |
Farshadfar, Sadi | Faculty | Ted Rogers School of Management | Chair, Accounting |
Fast, Maddy | President, Continuing Education Students' Association of Ryerson (CESAR) | ||
Ferworn, Charlotte | President, Ryerson Graduate Students' Union (RGSU), (Non-voting) | ||
Fukakusa, Janice | Ex-Officio | Chancellor | |
George, Noel | Faculty | Science | Chemistry & Biology |
Gharabaghi, Kiaras | Ex-Officio | Community Services | Dean |
Gubych, Oksana | Student | At Large | Ted Rogers School of Management, Information Management |
Hepburn, Gary | Ex-Officio | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | Dean |
Iannacito-Provenzano, Roberta | Ex-Officio | Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs | |
Idzik, Claudia | Student | Yeates School of Graduate Studies | Psychology |
Ignagni, Esther | Faculty | Community Services | Disability Studies |
Jalayer, Bardia | Student | Lincoln Alexander School of Law | |
Jamal, Amina | Faculty | Arts | Sociology |
Kaur, Tarman | Vice-President Education, Ryerson Student' Union (TMSU) | ||
Khansari, Zeinab | Student | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | Data Analytics |
Kolasa, Lawrence | Faculty | Science | Mathematics |
Lachemi, Mohamed | Ex-Officio | President and Vice-Chancellor | |
Laurie Jacklin | Faculty | CUPE | |
Lee-Loy, Anne-Marie | Faculty | Arts | Chair, English |
Liss, Steven | Ex-Officio | Vice President, Research and Innovation | |
MacKay, Kelly | Ex-Officio | Vice Provost, Academic | |
Makawi, Hana Salih | Student | Ted Rogers School of Management | Global Management Studies |
McCartney, Shelagh | Faculty | Community Services | Urban & Regional Planning |
McFadden, Shawn | Senate Associate | Canadian Union of Public Employees | |
McMillen, Jen | Ex-Officio | Vice Provost, Students | |
McWilliams, Andrew | Faculty | Science | Chair, Chemistry and Biology |
Michael Doxtator | Faculty | Indigenous Faculty | |
Mishkel, Ian | Ex-Officio | Vice President, University Advancement and Alumni Relations | |
Moore, Paul | Faculty | At Large | Sociology, Faculty of Arts |
Moore, Paul | Faculty | At Large | Nursing, Faculty of Community Services |
Oguamanam, Donatus | Faculty | Engineering and Architectural Science | Chair, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering |
Ott, Robert | Faculty | The Creative School | Chair, Image Arts |
O’Neil Green, Denise | Ex-Officio | Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion | |
Parr, Robyn | Ex-Officio | Registrar | |
Patterson, Lena | Senate Associate | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | |
Rakhmayil, Sergiy | Faculty | Ted Rogers School of Management | Accounting & Finance |
Ravindran, Ravi | Faculty | Engineering and Architectural Science | Mechanical Engineering |
Rodrigues, Meghan | Alumni | ||
Rodriguez, Janet | Student | G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education | Indigenous Knowledges and Experiences |
Sabatinos, Sarah | Faculty | Science | Chemistry & Biology |
Sakinovsky, Ian | Faculty | Ryerson Faculty Association | |
Schmidt, Jane | Faculty | Library | |
Schneider, Tom | Faculty | Ted Rogers School of Management | Business Management |
Scofield, David | Faculty | Ted Rogers School of Management | Business Management |
Searcy, Cory | Ex-Officio | Yeates School of Graduate Studies | Vice Provost & Dean |
Shepstone, Carol | Ex-Officio | Library | Chief Librarian |
Shuman, Layal | Faculty | The Creative School | Graphic Communications Management |
Simpson, Jennifer S. | Ex-Officio | Provost and Vice-President Academic | |
Sivasundaram, Prashajini | Student | Faculty of Community Services | Collaborative Nursing |
Smith, Andrew | Student | The Creative School | Creative Industries |
Spaniol, Julia | Faculty | Arts | Psychology |
Sugiman, Pam | Ex-Officio | Arts | Dean |
Surty, Ayman | Student | At Large | Faculty of Arts, Politics & Governance |
Taras, Daphne | Ex-Officio | Ted Rogers School of Management | Dean |
Thompson, Cheryl | Faculty | The Creative School | Creative Industries |
Train, Kelly | Senate Associate | Canadian Union of Public Employees | |
Umapathy, Karthi | Faculty | Engineering and Architectural Science | Biomedical Engineering |
Vahabi, Mandana | Faculty | Community Services | Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing |
Young, Donna | Ex-Officio | Faculty of Law | Dean |
Young, Ian | Faculty | Community Services | Occupational and Public Health |
Zarrin, Hadis | Faculty | Engineering and Architectural Science | Chemical Engineering |
Zolfaghari, Saeed | Ex-Officio | Vice President, Administration and Operations |
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