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Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship

  • EIE 201 - Start-up of Technology Ventures
    Course DescriptionThe course is designed to introduce the students to the process of establishing technology based venture. It is designed to familiarize them with the kind of opportunities and challenges likely to be encountered by entrepreneurs. The course will provide the practical knowledge and technical skills required to pursue an entrepreneurial career. Students will learn how to identify, and validate value creating business opportunities. The course will facilitates student market research and intellectual property assessments for their business idea and preparation of a market feasibility study report. The course will deal with all the practical aspects of technology feasibility of the proposed solution for the customer problems they intend to solve and the generation of commercialization and business plans.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 3 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
  • EIE 301 - Practicum I: New Venture Identification
    Course DescriptionIn this practicum the students are required to identify and validate a market based new business opportunity without investing significant time or resources. Starting by understanding of real customers problems to be solved, students explore the nature of potential solutions and the customer groups that can benefit. In addition to using secondary market research data, students are expected to talk to industry experts to better understand the market niche or the industry they are targeting. The preliminary work in this phase will also focus on market competition, the business model and value proposition. EIE students will develop a preliminary technical plan that should include analysis of intellectual property issues associated with the solution and sketch out the plan for achieving a technology proof-of-concept. Finally, students prepare a new venture concept identification report and an investor oral presentation.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 4 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ECN 801, EMS 201 and EIE 201
  • EIE 401 - Practicum II: Market and Tech Development
    Course DescriptionPracticum II will allow students to conduct both technical and market feasibility analyses. The main objective is to validate that there are customers willing to pay for the product and/or service. Students are required to demonstrate that their proposed engineering solution would serve identified customers. They must also prove that the underlying technology for the solution can deliver the required essential characteristics that satisfy customer needs. From the market development side, it is expected that thorough market research will be carried out to explore different customer groups. Moreover, using the voice of customer, a clear understanding of the relationship between customer needs and technical characteristics of the product/service has to be developed. The market development and the engineering technical proof-of-concept activities are the key deliverables from this practicum.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 4 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ECN 801, EMS 201, EIE 201 and EIE 301
  • EIE 501 - Practicum III: Bus Dev and Mkt Readiness
    Course DescriptionPracticum III is the 3rd and final phase of three-stage process the EIE students will go through to develop their entrepreneurial skills and leadership in new venture creation. Students will build on the knowledge accumulated in the previous phases in order to analyse potential business models, select a business start-up strategy, complete a full business plan and formulate tactical go-to-market approaches. The expectation is that the business is either ready to enter the market and raise funds, or the venture is pivoted to pursue more promising market opportunity. At the conclusion of this phase, the student goes through a Market Readiness Review and is evaluated on their ability to convince investors to invest in their new venture.
    Weekly Contact:Lecture 1 hr. Lab 4 hrs.
    GPA Weight:1.00
    Billing Units:1
    Prerequisites:ECN 801, EMS 201, EIE 201, EIE 301 and EIE 401