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Biology Professional and Professionally-Related Table IV
For students admitted Fall 2019 and before.
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Option: A total of two single-term courses (or equivalent) is required for graduation.
- BCH 560 Protein Structure and Function
- BCH 580 Cell Signalling
- BCH 880 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
- BLG 230 Botany
- BLG 251 Microbiology II
- BLG 312 Invertebrate Zoology
- BLG 340 Environmental Biology
- BLG 401 Ecotoxicology
- BLG 402 Limnology
- BLG 408 Viruses
- BLG 409 Biometry
- BLG 40A/B* Project-Thesis
- BLG 567 Ecology
- BLG 578 Pharmacology
- BLG 600 Physiology
- BLG 667 Disease Ecology
- BLG 678 Current Topics in Biology
- BLG 700 Anatomy
- BLG 785 Developmental Biology
- BLG 800 Genomics and Proteomics
- BLG 805 Behavioural Ecology
- BLG 806 Tropical Field Ecology
- BLG 810 Advanced Techniques in Plant Biology
- BLG 856 Immunology
- BLG 888 Molecular Biology Laboratory
- CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II
- CPS 109 Computer Science I
- CPS 511 Computer Graphics
- CPS 844 Data Mining
- EID 100 Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation
- ENT 505 Small-Business Management
- GMS 410 Management-Large Corporation
- GMS 520 International Business
- MTH 108 Linear Algebra
- MTH 480 Probability and Statistics II
- MTH 710 Fourier Analysis
- MTH 820 Image Analysis
* A two-term course.