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Biology Professional and Professionally-Related Table I
For students admitted Fall 2019 and before. Students admitted Fall 2020 and after see Core Table I.
A total of ten single term courses (or equivalent) is required for graduation with a minimum of four single-term courses (or equivalent) from Group A.
GROUP A - Minimum of four from the following:
- BCH 461 Biochemistry of Disease
- BCH 501 Protein Biochem and Proteomics
- BCH 550 Glycobiology
- BCH 560 Protein Structure and Function
- BCH 580 Cell Signalling
- BLG 251 Microbiology II
- BLG 307 Molecular Biology
- BLG 312 Invertebrate Zoology
- BLG 340 Environmental Biology
- BLG 351 Applied Microbiology
- BLG 40A/B° Project-Thesis
- BLG 401 Ecotoxicology
- BLG 402 Limnology
- BLG 408 Viruses
- BLG 409 Biometry
- BLG 411 Cell Biology II
- BLG 481 Biology and Chemistry Project Laboratory
- BLG 508 Conservation Biology
- BLG 578 Pharmacology
- BLG 600 Physiology
- BLG 610 Data Science for Biology
- BLG 630 Population Biology
- BLG 667 Disease Ecology
- BLG 678 Current Topics in Biology
- BLG 700 Anatomy
- BLG 702 Genomics and its Applications
- BLG 720 Urban Field Biology - Water Ecosystems
- BLG 721 Inter-University Field Course
- BLG 785 Developmental Biology
- BLG 788 Current Topics in Biotechnology
- BLG 800 Genomics and Proteomics
- BLG 802 Plant Diversity
- BLG 803 Ecosystem Processes
- BLG 804 Water Quality and Environmental Management
- BLG 805 Behavioural Ecology
- BLG 856 Immunology
- BLG 888 Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BMS 451 Medical Microbiology
- BMS 500 Human Genetics
- BMS 605 Advanced Physiology
- BMS 607 Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
- BMS 750 Systems Biology
- BMS 770 Medical Epidemiology
- BMS 850 Cancer Biology
- BMS 857 Advanced Immunology
- BMS 858 Infection Immunity
- BMS 865 Model Organisms
- BMS 870 Neurobiology
° A two-term course.
GROUP B - A maximum of six courses from the following:
Courses other than those listed in the following table may be selected, subject to program department approval, space availability, and requisite requirements. Students must obtain the authorization of the department using an (PDF file) Undergraduate Degree Course Exception Form before enrolling in the course.
- ACC 340 Financial Management
- BCH 461† Biochemistry of Disease
- BCH 501† Protein Biochem and Proteomics
- BCH 550† Glycobiology
- BCH 560† Protein Structure and Function
- BCH 580† Cell Signalling
- BCH 880 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
- BLG 251† Microbiology II
- BLG 312† Invertebrate Zoology
- BLG 340† Environmental Biology
- BLG 351† Applied Microbiology
- BLG 40A/B°† Project-Thesis
- BLG 401† Ecotoxicology
- BLG 402† Limnology
- BLG 408† Viruses
- BLG 409† Biometry
- BLG 411† Cell Biology II
- BLG 481† Biology and Chemistry Project Laboratory
- BLG 508† Conservation Biology
- BLG 578† Pharmacology
- BLG 600† Physiology
- BLG 605 Science and Government Policy Development
- BLG 606 Introduction to Clinical Research and Trials
- BLG 607 Intellectual Property in Science
- BLG 610† Data Science for Biology
- BLG 630† Population Biology
- BLG 667† Disease Ecology
- BLG 678† Current Topics in Biology
- BLG 700† Anatomy
- BLG 702† Genomics and its Applications
- BLG 707 Entomology
- BLG 785† Developmental Biology
- BLG 788† Current Topics in Biotechnology
- BLG 800† Genomics and Proteomics
- BLG 802† Plant Diversity
- BLG 803† Ecosystem Processes
- BLG 804† Water Quality and Environmental Management
- BLG 805 Behavioural Ecology
- BLG 856† Immunology
- BLG 888† Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BMS 451† Medical Microbiology
- BMS 500† Human Genetics
- BMS 605† Advanced Physiology
- BMS 607† Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
- BMS 770† Medical Epidemiology
- BMS 857† Advanced Immunology
- BMS 858† Infection and Immunity
- BMS 865† Model Organisms
- BMS 870† Neurobiology
- BSM 100 The New Business: From Idea to Reality
- BSM 200 The Growing Business: Breaking Even
- BSM 600 The Mature Business
- CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I
- CHY 223 Analytical Chemistry II
- CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II
- CHY 330 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
- CHY 331 Basic Chromatography
- CHY 344 Inorganic Chemistry
- CHY 381 Physical Chemistry I
- CHY 423 Environmental Science
- CHY 431 Applied Analytical Chemistry
- CHY 434 Analytical Chemistry of Complex Samples
- CHY 435 Advanced Chemical Instrumentation
- CHY 436 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- CHY 437 Organic Chemistry
- CHY 445 Materials Chemistry
- CHY 449 Inorganic Chemistry II
- CHY 600 Organic Reaction Mechanisms
- CHY 706 Computational and Quantum Chemistry
- CPS 501 Bioinformatics
- EID 100 Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation
- ENT 505 Small-Business Management
- GMS 410 Management-Large Corporation
- GMS 455 Project Planning and Delivery
- GMS 520 International Business
- ITM 350 Concepts of e-Business
- MKT 310 Marketing Plans
- MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics I
- MTH 210 Discrete Mathematics II
- MTH 322 Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics
- MTH 330 Calculus and Geometry
- MTH 430 Dynamic Systems Differential Equations
- MTH 480 Probability and Statistics II
- MTH 500 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
- MTH 501 Numerical Analysis I
- MTH 503 Intro Linear Programming and Applications
- MTH 540 Geometry
- MTH 601 Numerical Analysis II
- MTH 603 Non-Linear Programming and Applications
- MTH 607 Graph Theory
- MTH 609 Number Theory
- MTH 640 Complex Analysis
- MTH 710 Fourier Analysis
- MTH 712 Partial Differential Equations
- MTH 714 Logic and Computability
- MTH 718 Design and Codes
- MTH 814 Computational Complexity
- MTH 817 Combinatorics
- MTH 820 Image Analysis
- OHS 319 Health Effects of Radiation
- PCS 227 Biophysics
- PCS 229 Introduction to Medical Physics
- PCS 230 Photonics and Optical Devices
- PCS 352 Nuclear Physics/Radiation Protection
- PCS 354 Radiation Biology
- PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
- PSY 124 Social Psychology
- PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology II
- PSY 214 Psychopharmacology
- PSY 215 Psychology of Addictions
- PSY 324 Biological Psychology
- PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
- PSY 434 Brain and Behaviour
- PSY 544 Evolutionary Psychology
- PSY 605 Psychology of Health and Health Care
- PSY 654 Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 714 Visual Information Processing
° A two-term course.
† If not previously selected in Group A.