Nursing - Collaborative Program
Degree Awarded: | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) |
Administered by: | Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing |
Program Format: | Full-time, four-year program. |
Toronto Met/Centennial/George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program
O.S.S.D. with six Grade 12 U/M courses including Grade 12 U English, Biology (SBI4U), Chemistry (SCH4U), and Grade 11 U or M or Grade 12 U Mathematics (one of Functions and Applications (MCF3M), Functions and Relations (MCR3U), Advanced Functions (MHF4U), Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U), Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U).
- ENG4U/EAE4U is the preferred English.
- The grade(s) required in the subject prerequisites (normally in the 70-75 percent range) will be determined subject to competition.
- Applicants applying as 'Mature Students' must have Grade 12 U courses (or equivalent) in English, Biology and Chemistry, and Grade 11 U or M or higher Mathematics. The grade(s) required in the subject prerequisites (normally in the 70-75 percent range or higher) will be determined subject to competition.
- Applicants who have been absent from full-time formal education for a period of ten years or longer may be required to repeat prerequisite subjects to ensure currency of knowledge and preparedness for the program.
- Applicants with prior university or college study must present a minimum CGPA of 2.33 (C+) and be considered 'In Good Standing' with no failures in core prerequisite subjects in order to be considered. Higher CGPAs/averages may be required subject to competition.
- Only applications to the first year of the Nursing program will be considered, and consideration is limited to applicants without prior post-secondary studies in Nursing. Advanced standing for students with prior Nursing studies cannot be considered. In addition, diploma prepared RPNs ineligible for Bridging-to-University programs and applicants who have already completed a nursing degree will not be considered for admission.
- Subject to competition, candidates may be required to present averages/grades above the minimum.
Additional Nursing Program Requirements
All nursing students, in order to practice nursing, must be active participants, working with, and providing care to, diverse populations inclusive of male, female, and LGBTQ2s individuals. Students who are unable to meet this requirement will jeopardize their progress in the program.
Before undertaking this program, students should be aware that, under the provisions of the Regulated Health Profession and Nursing Acts, to qualify to write the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) registration exams they must:
- Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or be authorized under the Immigration Act (Canada).
- Not have any criminal convictions including those under the Narcotic Control and Food and Drugs Acts.
- Not have been the subject of proceedings with respect to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity in another health profession in Ontario, or in nursing in another jurisdiction.
- Not be suffering from a mental or physical disorder which makes it desirable in the public interest that you not practice. (Refer to (PDF file) Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario (external link, opens in new window) fact sheet on the CNO website.)
In addition, and in accordance with the policy of the program, the Public Hospitals Act, other legislation and the requirements of the practice placement settings, the Practice Requirements Record must be completed in its entirety by a student's health care provider and all supporting documents must be attached. Practice Requirements Record form with full instructions can be obtained from the Central Placement Office (CPO) website.
- Communicable diseases immunization details as specified in the Practice Requirements Record.
- Vulnerable Sector Screening – Police Reference Checks are done to protect clientele who are considered 'vulnerable persons'. A 'clear' police check means that there is currently no police record found for that individual in the jurisdiction surveyed. A 'not clear' police check means that there is a police record found for the individual for an undisclosed reason. Students are required to keep the original vulnerable sector screening – police reference check. It is the placement agency that will make the decision whether or not to accept the student for placement. This agency decision may require the student to self-disclose the particulars of the 'not clear' police check. Students have the right to not disclose the particulars of the 'not clear' police check.
International students will need to retain the police clearance document that was used to obtain their study permit.
Students who live in the City of Toronto must obtain an application form from the program site of admission. Students who live in other municipalities or provinces must obtain the application from their local police agency.
- Students are required to be tested and fitted for a respiratory mask. Students will then carry a card with them that indicates the type and model of mask they have been tested for. At time of testing, students must remove facial hair and any clothing covering their face to ensure a proper seal. Likewise, in the event that students are required to wear a mask during their placement, students must remove facial hair and any clothing that covers their face.
- Students are required to obtain Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification. Only Healthcare Professional (HCP) level certification will be accepted.
Students who fail to meet the above requirements will not be permitted to begin their nursing practice courses and will be subject to academic penalties.
The four-year collaborative degree program is offered in partnership by Toronto Metropolitan University, Centennial College and George Brown College. Students admitted at each campus complete the same program. Students admitted to the Toronto Met campus of the program complete their four years at Toronto Met. Students admitted to a college campus complete the first two years of their studies at the college and the final two years of their studies at the Toronto Met campus with the teaching shared by university and college faculty in all years. The program is committed to preparing nursing leaders who are highly competent, knowledgeable and committed to playing an integral role in shaping our health care future. The program educates nurses to work with persons and communities of diverse backgrounds, ages, degrees of health and illness and in a variety of contexts.
The curriculum, based on a philosophical foundation of phenomenology and critical social theory, has five themes that serve to organize content and are reflected in all years of the program in varying degrees of depth. These themes are primary health care/health promotion, reflective practice/critical thinking, meaningful relationships/caring/communication, political/social justice and personal/professional development. The program is also underpinned by a number of important concepts, addressed, discussed, and threaded throughout the Professional Practice in Nursing courses that are required across all four years. These concepts include the following:
• Safety
• Scholarship
• Relational Practice
• Determinants of Health
• Diversity
• Professional Nursing Practice
• Leadership
• Health Systems
• Teaching/Learning
The curriculum is composed of professional nursing courses and series of required and elective courses selected from other disciplines to enhance and support the broad knowledge base required of professional nurses. Students complete required professionally related courses in anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and psychology. Students are also required to select courses from a variety of liberal studies and open electives.
Learning is characterized as an interactive, lifelong process that involves the development of the learner as a person. Nursing students are recognized as adult learners responsible for their own learning. This learning is fostered by a caring collaborative student-teacher relationship based on mutual trust and respect, where both students and teachers are learners.
Year I of the program focuses on knowledge of self in the context of health. The student develops a theoretical perspective from which to view practice and an appreciation of the cultural diversity within the social and political context of society. There is an emphasis on the development of effective communication abilities, and foundational nursing practice and health assessment skills.
In Year II, the focus of the program shifts to knowledge of others in the context of illness, including chronic and acute illness and end-of-life care. Students further develop their professional role in building therapeutic relationships with families. They also acquire knowledge of research methods and the ability to critically evaluate research findings for their utility in nursing practice.
In Year III students further develop the theme of health with an emphasis on knowledge of community, in the context of primary health care. Students acquire knowledge and skills in areas of maternal/child health, pediatrics and mental health. There is an emphasis on leadership, advocacy and social activism.
Year IV focuses on the integration of the professional self into the health care system as students prepare to transition to the role of a new graduate nurse. Students explore in depth issues related to professional practice and demonstrate leadership skills.
Nursing practice experiences begin in the first year of the program and expose the student to a broad range of nursing practice settings and the multiplicity of nursing roles. Nursing experiences occur primarily in community settings and hospitals within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Travel to various agencies throughout the GTA is an expectation.
Graduates of the Toronto Met, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Nursing Degree Program are eligible to write the College of Nurses of Ontario registration examination (NCLEX) and accept entry-level positions in a variety of settings where nursing is practiced.
Undergraduate students wishing to pursue a continuing education certificate program should be aware of possible program exclusions. Please refer to the Certificate Registration section of the Curriculum Advising website for complete details.
Liberal Studies
Students must take three lower level liberal studies courses and three upper level liberal studies courses to graduate. Students must not choose courses that are restricted for their program or major.
Please refer to the liberal studies chapter of this calendar for more information on the Liberal Studies Policy. Further information on liberal studies can also be found at the Faculty of Arts' Liberal Studies website (opens in new window) .
Table A - Lower Level Restrictions
For students admitted Fall 2019 and prior:
Psychology courses and SOC 103 are not available for credit. Students may take only two Sociology courses for credit.
Table B - Upper Level Restrictions
Students may pursue any Minor offered by Toronto Met (with some exceptions). Please refer to the Minors chapter of this calendar for further information on individual Minor requirements and exclusions.
The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Certificates
Undergraduate students wishing to pursue a continuing education certificate program should be aware of possible program exclusions. Please refer to the Certificate Registration section of the Curriculum Advising website (opens in new window) for complete details.
1. Applies clear and accurate verbal communication
2. Applies clear and accurate written communication
3. Applies principles and processes of relational practice and effective communication with individuals
4. Applies principles and processes of relational practice and effective communication with families
5. Applies principles and processes of relational practice and effective communication with groups
6. Applies principles and processes of relational practice and effective communication with communities.
Application of evidence-informed knowledge & care
1. Applies broad knowledge base in nursing and other disciplines in the provision of evidence - informed care.
2. Applies critical reasoning in decision-making and delivery of care
Inter/Intra professional care
1. Collaborates with clients in supporting the achievement of health outcomes.
2. Collaborates with inter-professional members in supporting the achievement of health outcomes.
3. Collaborates with unregulated health care providers and other staff as a health care team in supporting the achievement of health outcomes.
Culturally safe/sensitive practice
1. Implements culturally safe and competent care to address the health needs of diverse individuals.
2. Implements culturally safe and competent care to address the health needs of diverse families.
3. Implements culturally safe and competent care to address the health needs of diverse communities.
Ethical and Legal practice
Demonstrates ethical practice, professional responsibility and accountability to clients and organizations within all domains of nursing practice.
Strategies & Interventions
Plans effective interventions to manage care within health systems.
Incorporates information and communication technologies, and digital tools to support the delivery of client care that meets evidence informed, organizational, ethical, regulatory and legislative requirements.
Leadership & Advocacy
1. Demonstrates effective leadership in practice and facilitates change and innovation across practice situations and settings.
2. Demonstrates effective advocacy in practice and facilitates change and innovation across practice situations and settings.
1. Contributes to a culture of safety in the provision of quality healthcare.
2. Identifies limits to own knowledge and ability in the provision of safe quality healthcare.
1st & 2nd Semester
2nd Semester
LIBERAL STUDIES: One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies (opens in new window) .
3rd & 4th Semester
5th & 6th Semester
Revised curriculum begins 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2020 and after.
5th & 6th Semester
Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.
OPEN ELECTIVE: Four Open Electives
7th & 8th Semester
Last offered 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2019. Students admitted Fall 2020 and after see revised curriculum below.
7th Semester
One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.
PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I.
8th Semester
- NSE 418 Nursing Practice V
7th & 8th Semester
Revised curriculum begins 2023-2024 for students admitted Fall 2020 and after.
Standing | Grade | Consequence/Comment |
Clear | 'C' or above in all Theory* and Practice† courses. |
Probationary | 'C-' or below in any Theory* or Practice† course or an F in BLG 10A/B or BLG 101/BLG 111 in first year, or an F in BLG 131 in second year. |
Required to Withdraw | Students on Probation who
May apply for reinstatement after one year. |
Permanent Withdrawal |
* Nursing Theory courses: Courses with NSE, NUR, PAT and PPN, (Nursing Theory courses) prefixes.
† Nursing Practice courses: NSE 12A/B, NSE 22A/B, NSE 32A/B, NSE 417, NSE 418; NSE 121, NSE 211, NSE 221, NSE 311, NSE 321, NSE 411, NSE 421.
¶ Corequisite courses: All Nursing courses in a given year have designated corequisites. All clinical practice courses have Nursing Theory courses as corequisites. Please refer to the Course Descriptions chapter of this calendar.
In addition to fulfilling Toronto Metropolitan University's Graduation Requirements, students in all Nursing programs are required to have obtained a minimum grade of 'C' in all nursing theory and practice courses (NCL, NUC, NUR, NSE, PAT, PPN).
A Program Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of volunteers that provides expert advice to a school or department on program related matters such as curriculum, program review, technology and trends in the industry, discipline or profession. For more information, see (PDF file) Senate Policy #158 (Program Advisory Councils).
Marilyn Ballantyne
Chief Nurse Executive
Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital
Michelle Nelson
Research Scientist
Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation
Kathy Ryan
Advanced Practice Nurse
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Pam Hubley
Chief, Professional Practice & Nursing
Hospital for Sick Children
Murray Krock
Corporate Nursing Education Leader
St. Michael’s Hospital
Nancy Lefebre
Chief Clinical Executive
Saint Elizabeth Health Centre
Brenda Perkins-Meingast
Practice Based Education/Collaborative Academic Practice
University Health Network