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Business Management - Entrepreneurship Major

One of Canada’s leading Entrepreneurship programs with a large dedicated faculty and offering more undergraduate entrepreneurship courses than any other English language university in Canada. Prepare to start your own business, learn how to be entrepreneurial within existing organizations or help start-up ventures succeed.

1st & 2nd Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2021-2022 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

The first two semesters of the program are common for all Business Management Majors.

1st Semester


CMN 279* Introduction to Professional Communication
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
GMS 200 Introduction to Global Management
QMS 110 Applied Mathematics for Business

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.


2nd Semester


ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MKT 100* Principles of Marketing
QMS 210 Applied Statistics for Business

*CMN 279 and MKT 100 will be timetabled either in 1st or 2nd Semester. 

Note: Students planning to enter the Marketing Management Major must obtain a grade of at least 2.67 (B-) in MKT 100.


Business Management students must declare their Major before course intentions in March of their first year. How to Change your Plan / Major.



3rd & 4th Semester

Last offered Fall 2021 to students admitted Fall 2020. Students admitted Fall 2021 and after see revised curriculum below. 

3rd Semester


CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
GMS 401 Operations Management
LAW 122 Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

4th Semester


CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II
LAW 122 Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

CMN 279 and LAW 122 will be timetabled either in the 3rd or 4th semester.


3rd & 4th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

3rd Semester


ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
GMS 401 Operations Management
LAW 122* Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

4th Semester


ACC 406 Introduction Management Accounting
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
ITM 102*
Business Information Systems I

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* LAW 122 and ITM 102 will be timetabled either in the 3rd or 4th semester.


5th & 6th Semester

Last offered Fall 2021 to students admitted Fall 2019. Students admitted Fall 2020 revised curriculum below. 


ENT 56A/B* Entrepreneurial Skills Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* ENT 56A/B is a two-term course.

5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2020. Students admitted Fall 2021 and after see revised curriculum below.


ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience  
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2023-2024 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after.


ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II 

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience  
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


7th & 8th Semester


BUS 800 Strategic Management
ENT 78A/B* Advanced Entrepreneurship
ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
ENT 725 Management of Innovation

One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
ENT 710 Making a Prototype 
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

Three courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include any courses with ENT prefix.

* ENT 78A/B is a two-term course.
† Offered in Fall term only.

The Entrepreneurship & Strategy Department also offers an optional co-op program which provides graduates with 16 months of work experience integrated into their academic program. Students wishing to be considered for this program must apply for admission into the co-op option after the second semester of the program. Admission into the co-op program is based on the following four items:

  1. Recommended CGPA of 3.0 (or higher). Subject to competition, grades above the minimum may be required
  2. Evidence of superior oral and written communication skills
  3. Interview with the Faculty Advisor
  4. Resume/CV

Students begin work terms upon completion of second year of the Business Management program and the co-op option extends the Entrepreneurship Major to five years from four. The Entrepreneurship & Strategy Department cannot guarantee work term jobs, but the Business Career Hub (opens in new window)  and the Department will prospect for employers and make every effort to locate suitable positions, as well as be available to advise students on their search for program-related jobs. The co-op program enables students to earn prevailing wages for the level of responsibility and contribution of the jobs they perform and thus finance at least part of their university education.

The sequencing of academic and work terms is shown below.

1st & 2nd Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2021-2022 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

The first two semesters of the program are common for all Business Management Majors.

1st Semester


CMN 279* Introduction to Professional Communication
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
GMS 200 Introduction to Global Management
QMS 110 Applied Mathematics for Business

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.


2nd Semester


ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MKT 100* Principles of Marketing
QMS 210 Applied Statistics for Business

*CMN 279 and MKT 100 will be timetabled either in 1st or 2nd Semester. 

Note: Students planning to enter the Marketing Management Major must obtain a grade of at least 2.67 (B-) in MKT 100.


Business Management students must declare their Major before course intentions in March of their first year. How to Change your Plan / Major.



3rd & 4th Semester

Last offered Fall 2021 to students admitted Fall 2020

3rd Semester


CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
GMS 401 Operations Management
LAW 122 Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

4th Semester


CMN 279 Introduction to Professional Communication
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II
LAW 122 Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I (opens in new window) .
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

CMN 279 and LAW 122 will be timetabled either in the 3rd or 4th semester.


3rd & 4th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

3rd Semester


ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
GMS 401 Operations Management
LAW 122* Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

4th Semester


ACC 406 Introduction Management Accounting 
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
ITM 102* Business Information Systems I 

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I (opens in new window) .
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

LAW 122 and ITM 102 will be timetabled either in the 3rd or 4th semester.


5th & 6th Semester

Last offered Fall 2021 to students admitted Fall 2019. Students admitted Fall 2020 and after see revised curriculum below. 


ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 570 Entrepreneurial Self-Development Part I
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling
ENT 580 Entrepreneur Self-Development Part II

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience
ENT 501 Family  Design Thinking ExperienceBusiness in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised and last offered Fall 2022 to students admitted Fall 2020


ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2023-2024 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after


ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


7th & 8th Semester


BUS 800 Strategic Management
ENT 78A/B* Advanced Entrepreneurship
ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
ENT 725 Management of Innovation

Liberal Studies†:
One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
ENT 710 Making a Prototype 
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Three courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include any courses with ENT prefix.

* ENT 78A/B is a two-term course.
† Offered in Fall term only.


Sequencing of Academic and Work terms

The sequencing of academic and work terms is shown below*. Please be advised that this schedule may be subject to revisions.

Revised sequencing begins Fall 2019 for students admitted Fall 2017 and after.

Work terms are graded on a pass/fail basis.

Each work term is assessed by the Co-op Faculty Advisor on the basis of the student's comprehensive written report and the employer's evaluation of the student's performance on the job.

*NOTE: Students are expected to follow the sequence prescribed for their program. Graduation with the co-op designation requires successful completion of a minimum of 3 work terms.

Direct Entry students will normally be admitted into 5th semester (3rd Year) of this program. Students should refer to their Offer of Admission for details.


5th & 6th Semester

Last offered Fall 2021 to students admitted to Direct-Entry in Fall 2019. Students to Direct-Entry in Fall 2022 and after see revised curriculum below.


ENT 56A/B* Entrepreneurial Skills Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401
Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd  
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* ENT 56A/B is a two-term course.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised and last offered Fall 2022 for students admitted to Direct-Entry in Fall 2022. Students admitted to Direct-Entry in Fall 2023 and after see revised curriculum below.


ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* ENT 56A/B is a two-term course.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2023-2024 for students admitted to Direct-Entry in Fall 2023 and after


ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling
FIN 401 Managerial Finance II  

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


7th & 8th Semester


BUS 800 Strategic Management
ENT 78A/B* Advanced Entrepreneurship
ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
ENT 725 Management of Innovation

One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630  Leveraging the Crowd 
ENT 710 Making a Prototype 
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

Three courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include any courses with ENT prefix.

* ENT 78A/B is a two-term course.
† Offered in Fall term only.

Students interested in pursuing an Entrepreneurship Major should know that the majority of courses required for the Major will not be available in the evening (at this time). Students wanting to pursue this Major will have to take the majority of the required courses during the day.

1st & 2nd Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2021-2022 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

The first two semesters of the program are common for all Business Management Majors.

1st Semester


CMN 279* Introduction to Professional Communication
ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
GMS 200 Introduction to Global Management
QMS 110 Applied Mathematics for Business

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.


2nd Semester


ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
MHR 523 Human Resources Management
MKT 100* Principles of Marketing
QMS 210 Applied Statistics for Business

*CMN 279 and MKT 100 will be timetabled either in 1st or 2nd Semester. 

Note: Students planning to enter the Marketing Management Major must obtain a grade of at least 2.67 (B-) in MKT 100.


Business Management students must declare their Major before course intentions in March of their first year. How to Change your Plan / Major.



3rd & 4th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2022-2023 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after

3rd Semester


ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
FIN 300 Managerial Finance I
GMS 401 Operations Management
LAW 122* Business Law

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

4th Semester


ACC 406 Introduction Management Accounting 
ENT 601 Identifying Opportunities
ITM 102* Business Information Systems I 

One course from Table A - Lower Level Liberal Studies.

One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* ITM 102 and LAW 122 will be timetabled either in the 3rd or 4th semester.


5th & 6th Semester

Revised curriculum begins 2023-2024 for students admitted Fall 2021 and after


ENT 528 New Venture Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling
FIN 401
Managerial Finance II 

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: Two courses from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: One course from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.


7th & 8th Semester


BUS 800 Strategic Management
ENT 78A/B* Advanced Entrepreneurship
ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
ENT 725 Management of Innovation

One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 401 Design Thinking Experience 
ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 620 Current Issues in Innovation and Entrepreneurship 
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 630 Leveraging the Crowd 
ENT 710 Making a Prototype 
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0 Social Media Marketing 

Three courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include any courses with ENT prefix.

* ENT 78A/B is a two-term course.
† Offered in Fall term only.

Direct Entry students will normally be admitted into 5th semester (3rd Year) of this program. Students should refer to their Offer of Admission for details.

Students interested in pursuing an Entrepreneurship Major should know that the majority of courses required for the Major will not be available in the evening (at this time). Students wanting to pursue this Major will have to take the majority of the required courses during the day.


5th & 6th Semester


ENT 56A/B* Entrepreneurial Skills Development
ENT 527 Theories in Entrepreneurship
ENT 555 Managing Small and Medium Enterprises
ENT 577 Entrepreneurial Selling

Two courses from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 633 Corporate Governance
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 504 Effective Persuasion
MKT 723 Services Marketing
MKT 730 Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence

PROFESSIONALLY-RELATED: Two courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include courses with an ENT prefix.

* ENT 56A/B is a two-term course.


7th & 8th Semester


BUS 800 Strategic Management
ENT 78A/B* Advanced Entrepreneurship
ENT 511 Funding New Ventures
ENT 725 Management of Innovation

One course from Table B - Upper Level Liberal Studies.

PROFESSIONAL: One course from the following:

ENT 501 Family Business in Canada
ENT 627 Social Entrepreneurship and Changemaking
ENT 633 Corporate Governance
ENT 727 Applied Research in Entrepreneurship
MKT 300 Marketing Metrics and Analysis
MKT 500 Marketing Research
MKT 504 Effective Persuasion
MKT 723 Services Marketing
MKT 730 Assessing/Managing Market Opportunities
MKT 731 Competitive Intelligence

Three courses from Table I.
Course selection must not include any courses with ENT prefix.

* ENT 78A/B is a two-term course.
† Offered in Fall term only.