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English Professionally-Related Table IV

A maximum of five courses may be taken for graduation.

Professionally-Related courses other than those listed on the above table may be selected subject to departmental approval, space availability, and requisite requirements. Contact the Department of English for further information.

ACS 300 Ideas That Shape the World: Early Modern
ACS 302 Introduction to Culture Studies
ACS 400 Ideas That Shape the World: Modernity
ACS 500 Ideas That Shape the World: Post-Atomic
CMN 315 Issues in Organizational Communication
CMN 443 Contemporary Intercultural Communication
CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
CRB 603 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies
CRB 605 Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance
CRI 420 Book Publishing and Marketing
CRI 430 Canadian Media Entertainment Industries
CRI 500 Project Management
CRI 550 The Book in Canada
CRI 750 Emerging Technologies in Cyberspace
CRM 200 Criminal Law
CRM 205 Gender, Sexuality and the Law
CRM 206 Race, Ethnicity and Justice
CRM 304 Youth Justice in Canada
CRM 312 Representing Crime
CRM 400 Indigenous Governance/Justice
CRM 402 Criminal Justice and Social Inequality
ECN 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics I
ENT 725 Management of Innovation
FRE 402 French Conversation and Pronunciation
FRE 502 Communication and Business French
FRE 515 Introduction to Business French
FRE 602 Business French in Practice
GCM 110 Introduction to Graphic Communications
GCM 111 Graphic Communication Technologies
GCM 130 Design and Layout
GCM 710 The Art of the Book
GEO 553 Studies in Rural Geography
GEO 581 GIS, Geographic Data and Mapping
GEO 691 Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place
HIS 238 Canada to 1885: Creating a Nation
HIS 348 American History from 1877
HIS 401 Hearing, Seeing and Speaking History
HIS 500 History and New Media
HIS 501 Archaeology and Material Culture
HIS 502 Life Stories: Oral History
HIS 505 Locating The Past: Archival Research
HIS 510 Museology and Public History
HIS 559 Ancient Egypt
HIS 610 Curating the Past
HIS 615 Film, Television and 20th C History
HIS 678 The Renaissance in Europe
HIS 683 Victorian Britain
HIS 710 Museum and Heritage Management
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HIS 755 Themes in Material Culture
HIS 826 Science and World Exploration
HIS 828 Science, Corporations and the Environment
HIS 845 Canada in the International Sphere
HIS 886 The British Empire and the World
HIS 898 A History of International Organizations
INT 921 Writing Bodies Differently
MUS 211 Music Cultures of the City
MUS 401 Music, Religion and Spirituality
NNS 500 Journalism and the Arts
NNS 508 Literary Journalism
NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
NPF 569 Disaster Images: Memory and Response
NPF 572 Curatorial Practices in Toronto
PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
PHL 401 Philosophy and Mass Culture
PHL 420 Philosophy, Diversity and Recognition
PHL 530 Media Ethics
PHL 621 Non-Western Philosophy
POG 235 Western Political Thought
POG 317 Education Politics and Policy
POG 425 Regional Economic and Political Integration
POG 431 Power, Domination and Resistance
POG 443 Global Cities
PPA 125 Rights, Equity and the State
PPA 319 Politics of Work and Labour
PSY 302 Child Development
PSY 325 Psychological Disorders
PSY 535 Gender Issues in Psychology
PSY 550 Human Sexuality
PSY 560 Sport, Exercise and Performance
PSY 622 Psychology of Criminal Behaviour
PSY 682 Sleep
PSY 940 Prejudice and Discrimination
SOC 300 Sociology of Equity and Diversity
SOC 420 Social Class in Changing Times
SOC 427 Indigenous Perspectives on Canada
SOC 504 Children and Society
SOC 525 Media and Images of Inequality
SOC 605 Families: Difference and Diversity
SOC 606 Work and Families in the 21st Century
SOC 608 Women, Power and Change
SOC 611 Future Worlds: Technology and Social Change
SOC 700 Men and Masculinities in the 21st Century
SOC 708 Environmental Sociology
SOC 903 Action Cinema and Modernity
SOC 932 The Entertainment Industry
SOC 941 Colonialism and Racialization
SPN 402 Spanish Conversation and Pronunciation
SPN 515 Introduction to Business Spanish
SPN 702 Communication in Business Spanish
SPN 802 Spanish for Business Strategies
SSH 400 Special Topics in Social Ventures
SSH 502 Community Action Research
THF 200 Timelines of Performance History I
THF 201 Timelines of Performance History II
THF 403 Landmarks in Canadian Theatre