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Retail Management Professional Table I

Professional Table I

A total of four courses is required between 5th and 8th semester. Not all courses may be offered every semester. Enrolment is subject to requisites.

GEO 302 Retail Location
IRP 653 Store Design and Planning
RMG 800 Special Topics in Retailing
RMG 806 Retailer Perspectives on Category Management
RMG 817 Digital Advertising in Retailing
RMG 821 Research and Analytics in Social Media
RMG 902 Franchising
RMG 905 Design, Commerce and Culture
RMG 906 International Retail Markets
RMG 907 Relationship Marketing
RMG 909 Merchandise Buying and Planning II
RMG 910* Omni-Channel Retailing
RMG 911 Retail Sales Management
RMG 912 Sustainability and Social Change
RMG 913 Retail Private Label
RMG 914 Sector Studies
RMG 916 Managing B2B Channels
RMG 917 Experiential Learning - International Study
RMG 918 Retail IT - Case Study of Best Practices
RMG 919 Visualizing Data for Decisions
RMG 920 Retail Industry Spotlight
RMG 922 Retailing 2.0: Social Media Marketing

* RMG 910 is last offered as a Table I course in 2017-2018. This course is a Required course for students admitted Fall 2016 and after.