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Biomedical Sciences Professional Table I

Professional Table I

BCH 461 Biochemistry of Disease
BCH 463 Advanced Biochemistry II
BCH 501 Protein Biochem and Proteomics
BCH 550 Glycobiology
BCH 560 Protein Structure and Function
BCH 580 Cell Signalling
BCH 880 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
BLG 40A/B* Project-Thesis
BLG 230 Botany
BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 315 Evolution
BLG 316 Zoology
BLG 340 Environmental Biology
BLG 351 Applied Microbiology
BLG 408 Viruses
BLG 409 Biometry
BLG 578 Pharmacology
BLG 610 Data Science for Biology
BLG 678 Current Topics in Biology
BLG 700 Anatomy
BLG 702 Genomics and its Applications
BLG 785 Developmental Biology
BLG 788 Current Topics in Biotechnology
BLG 800 Genomics and Proteomics
BMS 451 Medical Microbiology
BMS 500 Human Genetics
BMS 605 Advanced Physiology
BMS 607 Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics
BMS 750 Systems Biology
BMS 770 Medical Epidemiology
BMS 857 Advanced Immunology
BMS 858 Infection and Immunity
BMS 865 Model Organisms
BMS 870 Neurobiology
CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I
CHY 223 Analytical Chemistry II
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II
CHY 330 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
CHY 331 Basic Chromotography
CHY 339 Characterization of Organic Compounds
CHY 344 Inorganic Chemistry I
CHY 381 Physical Chemistry I
CHY 382 Physical Chemistry II
CHY 40A/B* Research Project-Thesis
CHY 423 Environmental Science
CHY 436 Pharmaceutical Chemistry
CHY 449 Inorganic Chemistry II
CPS 109  Computer Science I
CPS 118  Introductory Programming for Scientists
CPS 209  Computer Science II
CPS 305  Data Structures  
CPS 501  Bioinformatics  
MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics   
MTH 231  Modern Mathematics II  
MTH 330  Calculus and Geometry  
MTH 500 Introduction to Stochastic Processes  
MTH 607  Graph Theory  
PCS 227  Biophysics  
PCS 229  Introduction to Medical Physics  
PCS 300  Modern Physics  
PCS 352  Nuclear Physics/Radiation Protection  
PCS 400  Quantum Physics I

* a two-term course