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Biomedical Sciences Professional Table I
Professional Table I
BCH 461 | Biochemistry of Disease | |
BCH 463 | Advanced Biochemistry II | |
BCH 501 | Protein Biochem and Proteomics | |
BCH 550 | Glycobiology | |
BCH 560 | Protein Structure and Function | |
BCH 580 | Cell Signalling | |
BCH 880 | Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory | |
BLG 40A/B* | Project-Thesis | |
BLG 230 | Botany | |
BLG 251 | Microbiology II | |
BLG 315 | Evolution | |
BLG 316 | Zoology | |
BLG 340 | Environmental Biology | |
BLG 351 | Applied Microbiology | |
BLG 408 | Viruses | |
BLG 409 | Biometry | |
BLG 578 | Pharmacology | |
BLG 610 | Data Science for Biology | |
BLG 678 | Current Topics in Biology | |
BLG 700 | Anatomy | |
BLG 702 | Genomics and its Applications | |
BLG 785 | Developmental Biology | |
BLG 788 | Current Topics in Biotechnology | |
BLG 800 | Genomics and Proteomics | |
BMS 451 | Medical Microbiology | |
BMS 500 | Human Genetics | |
BMS 605 | Advanced Physiology | |
BMS 607 | Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics | |
BMS 750 | Systems Biology | |
BMS 770 | Medical Epidemiology | |
BMS 857 | Advanced Immunology | |
BMS 858 | Infection and Immunity | |
BMS 865 | Model Organisms | |
BMS 870 | Neurobiology | |
CHY 213 | Analytical Chemistry I | |
CHY 223 | Analytical Chemistry II | |
CHY 242 | Organic Chemistry II | |
CHY 330 | Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy | |
CHY 331 | Basic Chromotography | |
CHY 339 | Characterization of Organic Compounds | |
CHY 344 | Inorganic Chemistry I | |
CHY 381 | Physical Chemistry I | |
CHY 382 | Physical Chemistry II | |
CHY 40A/B* | Research Project-Thesis | |
CHY 423 | Environmental Science | |
CHY 436 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | |
CHY 449 | Inorganic Chemistry II | |
CPS 109 | Computer Science I | |
CPS 118 | Introductory Programming for Scientists | |
CPS 209 | Computer Science II | |
CPS 305 | Data Structures | |
CPS 501 | Bioinformatics | |
MTH 110 | Discrete Mathematics | |
MTH 231 | Modern Mathematics II | |
MTH 330 | Calculus and Geometry | |
MTH 500 | Introduction to Stochastic Processes | |
MTH 607 | Graph Theory | |
PCS 227 | Biophysics | |
PCS 229 | Introduction to Medical Physics | |
PCS 300 | Modern Physics | |
PCS 352 | Nuclear Physics/Radiation Protection | |
PCS 400 | Quantum Physics I |
* a two-term course