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Biology Professional and Professionally-Related Table II

Professional and Professionally-Related Table II

Biophysics Option: A total of one single-term course is required for graduation.

BCH 560 Protein Structure and Function
BCH 580 Cell Signalling
BCH 880 Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory
BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 312 Invertebrate Zoology
BLG 340 Environmental Biology
BLG 351 Applied Microbiology
BLG 401 Ecotoxicology
BLG 402 Limnology
BLG 408 Viruses
BLG 409 Biometry
BLG 40A/B* Project-Thesis
BLG 567 Ecology
BLG 578 Pharmacology
BLG 600 Physiology
BLG 667 Disease Ecology
BLG 700 Anatomy
BLG 702 Genomics and its Applications
BLG 785 Developmental Biology
BLG 788 Current Topics in Biotechnology
BLG 800 Genomics and Proteomics
BLG 856 Immunology
BLG 888 Molecular Biology Laboratory
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II
CPS 501 Bioinformatics
ENT 505 Small-Business Management
GMS 410 Management-Large Corporation
GMS 520 International Business


* A two-term course.