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Architectural Science Professional and Professionally-Related Table I

Professional and Professionally-Related Table I

Last offered 2020-2021 for students admitted Fall 2016.

Architecture Option students require six courses from this Table; both Building Science and Project Management Option students require two courses each.

Not all courses will be offered every semester. Also, courses may be cancelled due to low enrolment.

Consult the Department of Architectural Science for the most up-to-date course offering information.

ARC 721 Arch. Theory I: Theorizing Technology
ARC 821 Arch. Theory I: Architect in Society
ASC 704° Independent Study
ASC 730 Construction Case Studies Advanced
ASC 731 The Architecture of Urban Housing
ASC 732 Architectural Theory Since 1968
ASC 733 Canadian Architecture Since 1945
ASC 734 Advanced Digital Design
ASC 735 Heritage Conservation Theory and Practice
ASC 750 Architecture and Public Policy
ASC 751 Architectural Writing
ASC 752 Business Practices in the AEC Industry
ASC 753 Contemporary Theories of Urbanism
ASC 754 Creative Space Simulation
ASC 755 Digital Tools
ASC 756 Fire Safety in the Built Environment
ASC 804° Independent Study
ASC 850 Globalization and Construction
ASC 851 How Buildings Work
ASC 852 Landscape Ecological Design
ASC 853 Landscape Design, Theory and Application
ASC 854 Performance Modelling
ASC 855 Sustainable Ratings Systems
ASC 856 The Small Building
ASC 857 Glass in Architecture
ASC 858 Toronto: Architecture/Urbanism
ASC 900 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
ASC 901 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
ASC 902 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
ASC 903 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
ASC 904 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
ASC 905 Selected Topics in Architectural Science
BSC 721 Theory/Performance I: Existing Buildings
BSC 722 Sustainable Environmental Control Systems
BSC 821 Theory/Performance II
BSC 822 Advanced Envelopes/Components
IDE 301 Furniture Design
IDE 304 Set Design
IDE 307 Colour and its Application
IDE 311 Facilities Management
IDE 312 The Technology of Historic Interiors
IDE 500 Selected Topics in Interior Design
PLE 515 Environmental Planning
PLE 525 Transportation Planning
PLE 565 Community Sustainable Development
PLE 635 Feasibility Analysis of Development
PLE 715 Environmental Assessment
PLE 735 Private Development Seminar
PLE 755 Contemporary Urban Design
PLE 765 International Development
PLE 815 Facility Siting and Env. Risk Assessment
PMT 721 Economics for Project Management
PMT 722 Information Systems
PMT 821 Construction Practices and Management
PMT 822 Procurement and Construction Management

† Not available to students in the Building Science Option.
¶ Not available to students in the Project Management Option.
° Architecture Option students are allowed a maximum of two pre-approved Independent Study courses between 7th and 8th semester. Building Science and Project Management Option students are allowed a maximum of one pre-approved Independent Study course between 7th and 8th semester.