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Child and Youth Care Professionally-Related Table I
Professionally-Related Table I
CLD 231 | Families in Canadian Context I |
CLD 435 | Theory and Practice of Family Support |
CLD 445 | Inclusion and Consultation |
CRM 100 | Introduction to Canadian Criminal Justice |
CRM 102 | Introduction to Criminology |
CRM 202 | Victims and the Criminal Process |
CRM 304 | Youth Justice in Canada |
CYC 550 | Foundations of Social Innovation |
CYC 560 | Social Innovation in Practice |
CYC 570 | Social Innovation in Action |
DST 502 | Disability and the State |
DST 504 | Mad People's History |
DST 603 | Law and Disability |
DST 614 | Community, Access and Technology |
DST 725 | The Politics and Practice of Interventions |
EID 100 | Digital Skills: Int'l Innovation |
ENT 500 | New Venture Startup |
FNF 100 | Families and Health |
FNF 400 | The Social Context of Human Sexuality |
INP 900 | Understanding the Nonprofit Sector |
INP 901 | Developing Effective Organizations |
INP 911 | Advocacy and Governmental Relations |
INP 914 | Issues of Diversity |
INT 902 | Disability Issues |
INT 904 | Health Promotion and Community Development |
INT 905 | Conflict Resolution in Community Services |
INT 906 | Sexuality: Power and Pleasure |
INT 907 | Team Work for Community Services |
INT 908 | Homelessness in Canadian Society |
INT 910† | Aboriginal Peoples, Pol. and Reconciliation |
INT 913 | Issues of Migration |
INT 914 | Settlement Experiences |
INT 915 | Responses to Migration |
INT 916 | Introduction to Fundraising |
INT 917 | Interprof. Ed. for Community Development |
INT 920 | Community Collaborations |
MHR 405 | Organizational Behaviour |
MHR 505 | Organizational Behaviour II |
MHR 522 | Union Management Relations |
MHR 523 | Human Resources Management |
MHR 600 | Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace |
MHR 650 | Management of Change |
MHR 721 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution |
OHS 208 | Occupational Health and Safety Law |
PPA 101 | Cdn Public Administration I: Institutions |
PPA 102 | Cdn Public Administration II: Processes |
PPA 120 | Canadian Politics and Government |
PPA 121 | Ontario Politics and Government |
PPA 122 | Local Politics and Government |
PPA 124 | Indigenous Politics and Governance |
PPA 125 | Rights, Equity and the State |
PPA 211 | Public Policy |
PPA 301 | Administrative Law |
PPA 319 | Politics of Work and Labour |
PPA 401 | Collaborative Governance |
PPA 402 | Program Planning and Evaluation |
PPA 403 | e-Government |
PSY 214 | Psychopharmacology |
PSY 215 | Psychology of Addictions |
PSY 300 | Psychology and Law |
PSY 325 | Psychological Disorders |
PSY 335 | Clinical Psychology |
PSY 602 | Developmental Psychopathology |
PSY 802 | Death, Dying and Bereavement |
PSY 805 | Adjustment, Stress and Coping |
PSY 806 | Behaviour Modification |
SOC 474 | Immigration, Borders and Belonging |
SOC 500 | Youth and Society |
SOC 502 | Violence and the Family |
SOC 504 | Children and Society |
SOC 525 | Media and Images of Inequality |
SOC 605 | Families: Difference and Diversity |
SOC 606 | Work and Families in the 21st Century |
SOC 708 | Environmental Sociology |
SWP 901 | Youth and Social Justice |
SWP 903 | Crisis Intervention |
SWP 907 | Inequality, Oppression and Health |
SWP 909 | Social Work and the Law: Children and Family |
SWP 910 | Queer Theory and Identities |
SWP 917 | Special Topics I |
SWP 919 | Substance Use and Abuse |
SWP 920 | Addressing Substance Use and Abuse |
SWP 923 | Family Violence |
SWP 925† | Strong Helpers' Teachings |