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History and Philosophy Professional Table II

Professional Table II

History: A total of five (5) from the following. HST courses (numbered between HST 500-899) may be substituted. In total, a maximum of four (4) Liberal Studies HST courses may be substituted for HIS courses.


HIS 500 History and New Media
HIS 501 Archaeology and Material Culture
HIS 502 Life Stories: Oral History
HIS 510 Museology and Public History
HIS 541 Canada and the First World War
HIS 556 Colonial Africa
HIS 559 Ancient Egypt
HIS 561 The Ottoman Empire
HIS 590 Modern International Relations
HIS 594 War to War: World Conflict, 1900-45
HIS 610 Curating the Past
HIS 615 Film, Television and 20th C History
HIS 620 Imperial Russia
HIS 630 The Soviet Union
HIS 656 Post-Colonial Africa
HIS 661 The Middle East from 1908
HIS 662 The Mughal Empire, 1526-1764
HIS 677 Society in the High Middle Ages, 1000-1500
HIS 678 The Renaissance in Europe
HIS 683 Victorian Britain
HIS 696 The History of Terrorism
HIS 710 Managing Heritage Resources
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HIS 755 Themes in Material Culture
HIS 762 The Making of Modern South Asia, 1757-1947
HIS 783 20th-Century Britain
HIS 790 Modern Germany
HIS 826 Science and World Exploration
HIS 828 Science, Corporations and the Environment
HIS 845 Canada in the International Sphere
HIS 854 African-American History
HIS 886 The British Empire and the World
HIS 898 A History of International Organizations
HIS 900 Experiential Learning I
HIS 901 Experiential Learning II


Philosophy: Students must complete a total of seven (7) PHL courses from this table. A minimum of three (3) courses marked with an asterisk (*) must be completed.

PHL 101 Plato and the Roots of Western Philosophy
PHL 110 Philosophy of Religion I
PHL 187 Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHL 201 Problems in Philosophy
PHL 210 Introduction to Indian Philosophy
PHL 306 Freedom, Equality, Limits of Authority
PHL 307 Business Ethics
PHL 333 Philosophy of Human Nature
PHL 334 Ethics in Professional Life
PHL 365 Philosophy of Beauty
PHL 366 Existentialism and Art and Culture
PHL 400 Human Rights and Justice
PHL 401 Philosophy and Mass Culture
PHL 406 Issues of Life, Death and Poverty
PHL 420 Philosophy, Diversity and Recognition
PHL 449 Philosophy of Punishment
PHL 500 Philosophy of the Natural Environment
PHL 501 Oppression and the Critique of Power
PHL 502* Aristotle
PHL 504 Philosophy of Art
PHL 505* Hegel and Marx
PHL 506* The Rationalists
PHL 508* The Empiricists
PHL 509 Bioethics
PHL 511* Kant
PHL 512* Philosophy of the Emotions
PHL 513* Phenomenology
PHL 514* Mind and Agency
PHL 515* Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology
PHL 516* Foundations of Analytic Philosophy
PHL 517* Special Topics
PHL 520 Social and Political Philosophy
PHL 521 Personal Identity East and West
PHL 522 Philosophy and Death
PHL 525 Environmental Ethics
PHL 530 Media Ethics
PHL 544 Feminist Philosophy
PHL 550 Knowledge, Truth and Belief
PHL 551 Metaphysics
PHL 552 Philosophy of Science
PHL 597* Introduction to Formal Logic
PHL 603* Modern and Contemporary Ethics
PHL 605 Existentialism
PHL 606 Philosophy of Love and Sex
PHL 607* Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PHL 611 Philosophy of Mind
PHL 612 Philosophy of Law
PHL 614 Philosophy of Human Rights
PHL 621 Non-Western Philosophy
PHL 639 Medieval Philosophy
PHL 648 Philosophy and Literature
PHL 650* Beyond Classical Logic
PHL 661 Marx, Nietzsche and Freud
PHL 700* Meta-Philosophy
PHL 707* Plato
PHL 709 Religion, Science and Philosophy
PHL 710 Philosophy and Film
PHL 711* Language, Meaning and Truth
PHL 714* Philosophy of Biology
PHL 718* Advanced Topics in Ethics
PHL 732* Topics in Political Philosophy
PHL 752* German Idealism
PHL 757* Major Figures in Western Philosophy
PHL 758* Major Figures in Eastern Philosophy
PHL 770*
Law and Rights
PHL 802* Project in Applied Philosophy
PHL 803* Philosophy Engaging Communities
PHL 808* Language and Philosophy
PHL 810 Philosophy of Cinema
PHL 900* Senior Philosophy Seminar
PHL 910* Senior Philosophy Seminar
PHL 922* Religious Belief, Diversity, and Truth
PHL 923* Philosophy of Religion II
PHL 924* Critical Thinking II
PHL 950 Directed Research Course

PHL 201 is available as a Table I course for students admitted Fall 2018 and prior.

Note: PHL 639 will count as a course with an asterisk for students admitted Fall 2018 and prior.