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Grading, Promotion and Academic Standing

Ryerson  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window)  Undergraduate Grading, Promotion, and Academic Standing (The “GPA Policy”) defines the standards for acceptable overall academic performance and provides a fair system for determining academic standing and eligibility to graduate based on uniform definitions and categories. Highlights of this policy are below:

Final academic performance in each course is recorded as one of the following letter grades or as one of the 'other' designations listed under Additional Grading Categories below.  

Performance on term work or specific assignments may be marked on a numeric scale. The weighting of each assignment, test, and/or other unit of evaluation will be described on the course outline. The resulting overall percentage achieved will be converted to a letter grade as indicated above. If any other numeric scale is to be used, its ranges of conversion to letter grades will be defined for the students in writing at the start of the course. See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

Non-graded designations

These non-graded designations are used for transfer credit purposes and in the assessment of eligibility to graduate, but are not included in the calculation of the grade point average.

Other course performance designations

Other course performance designations which may be assigned at the discretion of the teaching Department:

Designations assigned by the Registrar

Designations assigned by the Office of the Registrar that are not included in GPA calculations, nor in establishing Academic Standing, nor as academic program credit:

A cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is calculated as an indicator of overall academic performance and is used as a criterion for

  • graduation requirements,
  • academic awards and distinctions
  • determining academic standing in a program of study.

For the purposes of calculating grade point averages, courses of single-term and multi-term duration will be given GPA weights of 1.00 and 2.00 respectively, with provision for variation under exceptional circumstances.

The grade point average is calculated as the sum of the products of course weights and earned grade points, divided by the sum of the course weights, and rounded to the second decimal place following normal rounding rules.

The following course performance designations are NOT included in calculating the grade point average -- AEG, AUD, CNC, CHG, CRT, DEF, INC, INPand PSD.

Courses completed before formal program admission will not be included in the calculation of grade point averages. Such courses may qualify for credit toward graduation requirements. The designation F-S is counted as an interim failure and included in the grade point average at zero grade points until a final grade is assigned.

The designation FNA is included in the grade point average at zero grade points and counts as a failure when evaluating academic standings.

The grade earned for a repeated course is substituted for the previous grade in calculating subsequent grade point averages even if the later grade is lower. Both attempts are recorded on the transcript. No course can be repeated more than twice (three completions in total when the original attempt is included). If at least one of the course attempts results in a passing grade, the course will count toward graduation requirements irrespective of the sequence of grades earned.

The cumulative grade point average is calculated at the end of each academic term in which course grades are recorded on the student's transcript. The calculation includes all the student's formal Ryerson course grades in the program in which the student is registered.

See "How to Calculate Your Grade Point Average (opens in new window) ".
See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

Each student's academic standing will be established from the student's official course grades at the end of each academic term on the basis of the following categories and criteria for overall academic performance:

Probationary Contract

Students assigned Probationary standing are required to establish a developmental Probationary Contract outlining a specific plan for studies and academic supports authorized by their program School or Department, and signed by the student. Students who fail to establish such a Probationary Contract by the last day to add courses for the term will have their course registrations and course intention requests cancelled for the term in question.

Eligibility to continue studies in a subsequent term

Students assigned a Probationary standing will be eligible to continue their studies as long as they achieve a term grade point average (TGPA) of 1.67, meet the terms of their Probationary Contract and do not violate approved Department/School standing variations. Failure to meet the terms of the Probationary Contract will result in the assignment of RTW standing.

Reinstatement to program after RTW standing

Students who are reinstated to their program a twelve month suspension period resulting from the assignment of RTW standing return on Probation. Some programs may reinstate students with a probationary contract which may restrict course load and require successful completion of specific program course. Programs may also specify minimum grades in those courses.

See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

First semester at Ryerson

No student in their first semester at Ryerson will be assigned a students of Required to Withdraw at the end of the Fall term grading period. Students with a CGPA of less than 1.00 in their first semester will be advised about their prospects for success. Such students who continue in their program in the subsequent Winter semester will do so on Probation.

Special Probationary Contract

Schools/Departments, at their discretion, may issue a special Probationary contract in cases where the program judges a student who has been assigned RTW standing to have a realistic chance of achieving Clear standing in the following term by taking up to two courses. If the student fails to achieve a CGPA of 1.67 at the end of that term, the standing will revert to RTW. If the student is successful, the standing will be assigned as Clear.

Denied reinstatement to program twice

Students who have been denied reinstatement to their program twice may not reapply for reinstatement to that program.

Procedures for students assigned RTW who wish to be considered for reinstatement to their program

  1. In the term immediately following the assignment of RTW standing (for this purpose Spring/Summer is included), students may not register in any Ryerson credit courses and no courses taken at another institution will be counted toward graduation requirements for a Ryerson degree program.

  2. In the second term following assignment of RTW standing

    (a) Fresh Start Student Success Program (SSP)
    Students may request to participate in a defined Student Success Program under a Fresh Start Program (FSP) participation contract. Students will be allowed to take up to two credit courses, and may be required to participate in other activities or workshops designed to address their needs. Courses taken as part of the SSP will be included in the student’s CGPA. Criteria for participation, terms of the contract and the required outcomes are established by academic program department. Students may participate in an FSP only once during their academic career at Ryerson. Normally, withdrawal from, or unsuccessful completion of, an FSP constitutes one attempt.

    Students approved by an academic program department to participate in the FSP will be on an Extended Academic Probation (EAP) contract. Extended Academic Probation (EAP) is a special provisional academic standing availability only to first-time RTW students who participate in a defined Fresh Start Student Success Program.

    To remain on Extended Academic Probation, students must fulfil all required components in each of the two terms of the FSP. Students who do not successfully complete an EAP contract return to RTW standing. They may apply for reinstatement to their program of study after the twelve month suspension period from the original RTW has elapsed. Prior to reinstatement these students may not register in any Ryerson credit courses and no courses taken at another institution will be counted toward graduation requirements for a Ryerson degree program.

    (b) Students who are ineligible for the FSP, or who do not wish to participate in the FSP, may apply for reinstatement to their program of study after the twelve month suspension period from the original RTW has elapsed. Prior to reinstatement these students may not register in any Ryerson credit courses and no courses taken at another institution will be counted toward graduation requirements for a Ryerson degree program.

  3. In the third term following assignment of RTW standing:

    (a) Students who successfully complete the requirements of their first EAP contract will continue on a second EAP contract, which may allow them to take up to four credit courses. The terms of the contract and the required outcomes will be established by the academic program department

    (b) Students who do not successfully complete the EAP contract return RTW standing. They may apply for reinstatement to their program of study after the twelve month suspension period from the original RTW has elapsed. Prior to reinstatement these students may not register in any Ryerson credit courses and no courses taken at another institution will be counted toward graduation requirements for a Ryerson degree program.

Procedures for students who are assigned an RTW standing and wish to be considered for transfer to another program

Students must consult with the Undergraduate Admissions Office and the program to which they wish to transfer. At the program’s discretion, a student may follow a FSP sequence as outlined above. If approved for such a transfer through the FSP, there is an understanding that the transfer program commits to admitting the student pending successful completion of the FSP. Students may apply for transfer for the semester following the third semester as defined above. Applications for transfer will be considered as outlined below.

Procedures for program reinstatement or transfer after the twelve month suspension period following the assignment of RTW or the completion of Extended Academic Probation

  1. Students who successfully complete both EAP contracts as part of the FSP are automatically reinstated to their program, and do not need to apply. They may return with Clear or Probationary standing based on their academic performance.
  2. Students who did not successfully complete either EAP contract, or who did not participate in the FSP, may apply for reinstatement for the term following the twelve month period of suspension from the original RTW.
  3. Applications for reinstatement will be considered by Faculty and/or program committees based on criteria, assessments and/or procedures developed by the Faculty and/or program.
  4. Applications for transfer will be considered by the Undergraduate Admissions Office in consultation with Faculty and/or program committees. 
  5. Students who are reinstated to their program or are approved for transfer upon successful completion of the FSP, will be reinstated or transferred with Probation or Clear standing based on their past academic performance. If they proceed on Probation, they will be required to have a Probationary Contract as outlined above.
  6. Students who are reinstated to their program or are approved for transfer upon successful application through the Undergraduate Admissions Office will be reinstated or transferred on Probation and will be required to have a Probationary Contract as outlined above. 

See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

In addition to meeting Ryerson’s general criteria on Academic Standing listed above, students in the following programs must also meet the extra conditions set out in specific Department/School Standing Variations:

Department/School Standing Variations could include:

  • minimum grades in specific courses
  • minimum CGPA across a series of courses
  • maximum number of attempts allowed for specific courses
  • standards of professional conduct on field/clinical placements

Department/School Standing Variations, where applicable, are described in detail in the program section of the calendar.

See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

Students will receive grades and an Academic Standing for single-term courses at the end of each term, and grades for multi-term courses at the end of the second term or in August for Spring/Summer courses.

All final grades and Academic Standings are available on RAMSS ( (opens in new window) ), at the end of each term, approximately 10 days after the end of the Examination Period. For the Fall term, reporting of final grades will normally be done within one week of when the university reopens after the Mid Year Break. In the Student Center, under the 'Academics ' section, students can view their grades by selecting the Grades/Standing quick link.


An INC can be awarded only when some work remains to be completed and when the completion of the outstanding work or an alternate final examination may result in a passing grade.

The outstanding work or alternate examination must be completed by a specified date within 3 months of the submission of the INC unless alternative arrangements have been made with the program’s Chair/Director.

The INC will be replaced by an official course grade when the work is completed. If the work is not completed by the deadline the INC will become a grade of F.

The designation INC is not included in calculating the grade point average nor is it counted as a transfer credit or failed course. An INC can be changed to an AEG by a Dean under exceptional circumstances.

Procedures and Timelines:

  1. Students must petition their instructor to receive an INC grade within 3 working days, or as soon as reasonably possible, of the missed final examination or final assignment deadline. Supporting documentation (e.g. Ryerson  (PDF file) medical certificate (opens in new window) ) must be provided.
  2. Instructors awarding an INC grade must provide the student, within 7 working days, with a written statement of outstanding work to be completed and the date by which it must be completed (or the date of the alternate final examination). The instructor must also file a copy of this documentation with the Chair/Director of the Teaching Department/School.

Further course enrolment:

If an extension is provided and an INC is not completed by the end of the semester following when it was given, students will not be permitted to enrol in any course for which the INC course is a prerequisite.

If a student has more than one INC remaining past the end of the following semester, at the discretion of the program the student may be prevented from registering in any courses.

See  (PDF file) Senate Policy #46 (opens in new window) .

Ryerson University is committed to promoting academic success and to ensuring that students’ academic records ultimately reflect their academic abilities and accomplishments.

The University expects that academic judgments by its faculty will be fair, consistent and objective, and recognizes the need to grant academic consideration, where appropriate, in order to support students who face personal difficulties or events.

It is also expected that students will deal with issues which may affect academic performance as soon as they arise. It should be understood that students can only receive grades which reflect their knowledge of the course material.

Students should refer to the Student Guide (opens in new window) , Senate (opens in new window)  and Student Records (opens in new window)  websites for detailed information on the various academic considerations that may be requested; necessary documents such as appeal forms, medical certificates (opens in new window)  and forms for religious accommodation; and procedural instructions. Information is also available from the Departments and Schools, Dean’s Offices and the Secretary of Senate.

Students are responsible for reviewing all pertinent information before the submission of a formal academic appeal. Incomplete appeals will not be accepted. Students are responsible for ensuring that a formal appeal is submitted by the deadline dates published in the undergraduate calendar, and must adhere to the timelines established in the policy. 

Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals (Policy 134) is available in its entirety at  (PDF file) Policy 134 (opens in new window) 

Grades and Transcripts are withheld when a student:

  • has not met the payment requirement for enrolment, and/or
  • has an unpaid balance owing to the University in excess of $10 (subject to change) and/or
  • fails to return books to the Library, wireless NetReady cards or ResNet equipment to CCS - Computing and Communications Services, or any other borrowed property

Students are responsible for all books, materials, etc. borrowed against their account, unless a loss or a theft has been previously reported.

To verify what is outstanding, go to the 'Holds' section in the Student Center page in RAMSS.

Students who have grade withholds receive a Withhold Notice instead of their graduation award at the relevant convocation ceremony.

Documents, Grades and Transcripts will be released when the Withhold has been cleared to the satisfaction of the University.

Fresh Start is a Student Success Program designed for students who have been assigned an academic standing of  "Required to Withdraw (opens in new window) ".  

Fresh Start is a two term program. After sitting out one term, students who are approved for Fresh Start may take up to two courses for credit in the first term of Fresh Start and up to four courses for credit in the second term of Fresh Start while they pursue reinstatement to their program or transfer to another program. During the time they take two full-credit courses, Fresh Start students must also participate in a 7-week skills-building non-credit course, CIFS100.

For eligibility, application deadlines, and program details students should refer to Study Skills and Transition Support on the Student Learning Support website (opens in new window)  or email