Minor in English
The English Minor provides students with a course of study that focuses on how to read and write critically – that is, analyze, historicize, and politicize literary and cultural texts. Understanding the complexities of texts and their influence in a variety of forms, media, time periods and cultural contexts adds depth and breadth to students' program of study and enhances their career possibilities.
Administered by: Department of English
Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:
To receive this Minor, you must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
Required course (1):
ENG 110 | Literatures Across Borders |
Maximum two (2) of the following:
Maximum five (5) of the following:
ENG 200 | Writing as a Cultural Act |
ENG 208 | Introduction to Non-Fiction |
ENG 222 | Fairy Tales and Fantasies |
ENG 223 | Literatures of Exile and Migration |
ENG 224 | Children's Literature |
ENG 230 | Creativity, Writing and Everyday Life |
ENG 402 | Comics |
ENG 408 | World Literatures |
ENG 409 | Urban Literatures |
ENG 413 | Literature and Colonization |
ENG 416 | American Literatures |
ENG 417 | Special Topics in American Literatures |
ENG 421 | 16C Literature and Culture |
ENG 422 | 17C Literature and Culture |
ENG 517 | Techniques and Topics in Creative Writing |
ENG 520 | The Language of Persuasion |
ENG 529 | Controversies in Public Discourse |
ENG 530 | Literary Non-Fiction |
ENG 531 | 18C Literature and Culture |
ENG 540 | The Novel |
ENG 550 | Drama |
ENG 560 | Poetry and Poetics |
ENG 570 | Auto/Biography |
ENG 580 | The Gothic |
ENG 590 | Studies in Word and Image |
ENG 611 | Film and Literature |
ENG 621 | Women's Texts, Global Contexts |
ENG 623 | Film/Literature: Middle East, North Africa |
ENG 624 | 20C Literature and Culture |
ENG 632 | 19C Literature and Culture |
ENG 634 | Romantic Explorations |
ENG 635 | Modernism |
ENG 640 | Literatures of Asia and its Diasporas |
ENG 701 | Canadian Literatures |
ENG 703 | Popular Literatures |
ENG 705 | Studies in Visual Cultures |
ENG 706 | Shakespeare and Performance |
ENG 707 | Shakespeare and His World |
ENG 710 | Special Topics in Canadian Literatures |
ENG 720 | Persuasion from Plato to Present |
ENG 730 | The Social Life of Books |
ENG 888 | Televisual Texts and Contexts |
ENG 921 | Narrative in a Digital Age |
ENG 941 | Gender and Sex in Literature and Culture |
ENG 942 | Decolonizing Literature |
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.