Minor in EBusiness
Revised 2020-2021
The Minor in eBusiness prepares students to work in careers in the evolving Internet economy and the field of electronic commerce. It provides students, who have already developed a solid understanding of business principles and operations with in-depth knowledge of the specifics of setting up and operating a 'virtual' business, either stand alone or as part of an existing conventional organization.
The Minor is co-ordinated by the Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management; however, courses in the Minor are delivered by all four Schools within the Ted Rogers School of Management.
Administered by: Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
Required courses (2):
Plus four (4) of the following:
ENT 526 | Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy |
GMS 550 | Business-to-Business e-Commerce |
HTI 746 | Digital Marketing for Hosp/Tourism |
ITM 330 | Supply Chain Process Architecture |
LAW 723 | Issues in Information Technology Law |
MKT 300 | Marketing Metrics and Analysis |
MKT 400 | Understanding Consumers and the New Media |
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.