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Minor in Disability Studies

The Minor in Disability Studies allows students to explore key issues and debates related to disability. Starting from the perspectives of disabled and mad people, courses highlight advocacy, social transformation and equity. Curriculum is intended to build expertise around accessibility, ethics, law, arts, literature, design, technology, health, social care, rights and justice. Students are encouraged to build a minor that complements and extends their discipline.

Administered by: School of Disability Studies

Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

One* (1) of the following:


DST 501 Rethinking Disability
INT 902 Disability Issues
SWP 921 Disability Issues Social Work Practice

Plus five (5) of the following:



DST 300 Whose Lives Matter?
DST 500 History of Madness
DST 502 Disability and the State
DST 503 Current Topics in Disability I
DST 504 Mad People's History
DST 506 Principles and Practices of Accessibility
DST 507** Disability, Justice and Good Human Life
  (or PHL 507** Ethics and Disability)
DST 525 Disability, Representation/s and Culture
DST 603 Law and Disability
DST 604 Current Topics in Disability II
DST 605 Sexuality, Desire and Disability
DST 613 Strategies for Community Building
DST 614 Community, Access and Technology
DST 725 The Politics and Practice of Interventions
DST 727 Leadership Practices for Changing Times
INT 921 Writing Bodies Differently

*DST 501, INT 902 and SWP 921 are antirequisites of each other, therefore only one is acceptable.


** DST 507 and PHL 507 are antirequisites of each other, therefore only one is acceptable.
† Only one of DST 500 or DST 504 can be used toward the Minor.

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.