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Minor in Caribbean Studies

The Caribbean Studies Minor provides an excellent site for studies of diversity, multiculturalism, colonialism and neocolonialism due to the region’s complex history. Students will also learn about an important diasporic community in Canada, thereby engaging with issues such as migration, transnationalism, racism, and equity. The Minor fosters the development of important skills in research methods, critical analysis and academic writing.

Administered by: Department of Sociology

To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:

Required course (1):

CRB 100 Introduction to the Caribbean

Plus five (5) of the following:

CRB 500 Families in the Caribbean
CRB 501 Racism and Caribbean Peoples in Canada
CRB 502 Cultural Traditions in the Caribbean
CRB 600 Postcolonial Caribbean Society
CRB 603 Special Topics in Caribbean Studies
CRB 605 Caribbean Tourism: Impacts and Resistance
CRB 614 Caribbean Critical Thought
ENG 620 English Caribbean Literatures and Cultures
GEO 705 Environment and Society in the Caribbean
HST 222 The History of The Caribbean
SPN 804 Latin American Culture II
SPS 502 Spanish Caribbean Literature and Culture

Please see  (PDF file) Senate Policy 2 (opens in new window) , Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.