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CEN 199
Writing Skills
All engineering students are required to write a mandatory Writing Skills Test (WST) administered during Orientation Week before the beginning of the first semester. Students who pass the WST (grade of 'B' or higher) may enrol in their chosen breadth elective (liberal studies) courses. Those students who do not pass the WST will be required to enrol in LNG 111, LNG 112, LNG 113, or LNG 121 as a breadth elective (lower level liberal studies) course. Students who do not pass the WST will have three additional chances to write the WST. The second test will be scheduled in May following the completion of the first year Engineering curriculum. The third and fourth WST will be administered during the next academic year Orientation Week, and again, in May. This course must be successfully completed prior to enrolling in third-year engineering courses. This course is graded on a pass/fail basis.
Weekly Contact: Lab: 1 hr.
GPA Weight: 1.00
Course Count: 1.00

Custom Requisites
Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages
*List may not include courses that are on a common table shared between programs.
- AER 504 - Aerodynamics
- AER 520 - Stress Analysis
- Admissions Procedures and Policies
- Aerospace Engineering
- BME 501 - Bioinformatics
- BME 506 - Introduction to Software
- BME 516 - Fluid Mechanics
- BME 532 - Signals and Systems I
- BME 538 - Microprocessor Systems
- BME 632 - Signals and Systems II
- BME 639 - Control Systems and Bio-Robotics
- BME 674 - Biomedical Instrumentation
- Biomedical Engineering
- CHE 307 - Chemical Engineering Materials
- CHE 308 - Mass Transfer
- CHE 309 - Introductory Bioengineering
- CHE 312 - Chemical Reaction Engineering
- CHE 315 - Unit Operations Laboratory I
- CHE 318 - Separation Processes
- CHE 319 - Process Modeling and Simulation
- CHE 331 - Engineering Statistics and Probabilities
- CHE 338 - Chemical Engineering Computations
- CHE 617 - Chemical Process Safety Loss Prevention
- COE 528 - Object Oriented Eng Analysis and Design
- COE 538 - Microprocessor Systems
- COE 608 - Computer Organization and Architecture
- COE 628 - Operating Systems
- CVL 312 - Computer Aided Structural Analysis
- CVL 313 - Structural Analysis
- CVL 352 - Geomatics Measurement Techniques
- CVL 354 - Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
- CVL 410 - Structural Concrete Design I
- CVL 411 - Structural Steel Design
- CVL 500 - Introduction to Structural Design
- CVL 501 - Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- CVL 533 - Concrete Materials
- CVL 600 - Foundation Engineering
- CVL 601 - Wastewater Engineering
- CVL 609 - Civil Engineering Systems
- CVL 633 - Highway Materials
- CVL 735 - Highway Design
- Chemical Engineering Co-Operative Program
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- EES 508 - Digital Systems
- EES 612 - Electric Machines and Actuators
- ELE 504 - Electronic Circuits II
- ELE 531 - Electromagnetics
- ELE 532 - Signals and Systems I
- ELE 635 - Communication Systems
- ELE 639 - Control Systems
- Electrical Engineering
- IND 300 - Introduction to Management
- IND 303 - Work Measurement, Analysis and Design
- IND 400 - Facilities Design
- IND 405 - Introduction to Data Science and Analytics
- Industrial Engineering
- MEC 411 - Mechanics of Machines
- MEC 430 - Stress Analysis
- MEC 511 - Thermodynamics and Fluids
- MEC 516 - Fluid Mechanics I
- MEC 613 - Machine Design I
- Mechanical Engineering
- Undeclared Engineering (First Year Studies Only)