Geographic Analysis Minor
Minor in Geographic Analysis
The Geographic Analysis Minor provides interested students with a course of study that focuses on development of real-world solutions to issues surrounding urban growth, economic development, business/service location decisions, climate change, and environmental remediation. In addition to foundation courses in location principles and exploration of the earth and ecosystems, the curriculum includes such electives as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Geographic Data and Mapping, Demography, and Geodemographics. The minor aims to enhance the professional careers of the students in other disciplines such as Business Management, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Urban and Regional Planning, Environment and Urban Sustainability and other programs within the Faculty of Arts.
Administered by: Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Exclusions: This minor is not available to students in the following programs:
Students may only pursue one of Geography or Geographic Analysis minor, double minors in Geography and Geographic Analysis will not be granted.
To receive this Minor, students must complete six (6) courses from the following curriculum:
One (1) required course:
GEO 151 | Location, Location, Location |
Plus one (1) of the following:
Plus four (4) of the following:
GEO 131 | Energy, Earth and Ecosystems |
GEO 231 | Principles of Demography |
GEO 301 | Marketing Geography |
(or GEO 302 Retail Location) | |
GEO 351 | Internal Structure of the City |
GEO 419 | Retailing, GIS and Geodemographics |
GEO 527 | Inequalities in Urban Neighbourhoods |
GEO 530 | Urban Economic Geography |
GEO 551 | Urbanization and Regional Development |
GEO 627 | Accessibility of Urban Social Services |
GEO 681 | GIS and Geographic Analysis |
GEO 691 | Canadian Immigration: Patterns and Place |
GEO 724 | GIS for the Municipal Professional II |
Please see (PDF file) Senate Policy 2, Section 7.4 for further information about Minors.