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Liberal Studies at Ryerson

Liberal Studies

Students must complete liberal studies as part of the requirements for graduation in all Ryerson programs.

Such studies must be in disciplines outside the student’s field of professional specialization; their purpose is to develop the capacity to understand and appraise the social, cultural and scientific context in which graduates will work as professionals and live as educated citizens.

These studies are offered at two levels:

  1. the Lower (LL), which are normally taken during the first two years of a four-year program, and
  2. the Upper (UL), which are normally taken during the last two years.

The courses offered at each Level are listed in Table A and Table B:

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The required number of lower level liberal studies courses, and of upper level, varies according to program, and is specified in the program overview of each program published in this calendar.

NOTE: Certain courses listed in Table A and Table B due to their close relation to the professional fields, cannot be taken for liberal studies credit by students in some programs. A list of these programs and the restricted courses is provided following Table A and Table B in this calendar.

Students are responsible for making appropriate Course Intentions. They should review the course descriptions, program curriculum and restrictions published in this calendar with care.

Liberal studies courses have the designation (LL) or (UL) in their course description.

Courses not identified as either (LL) or (UL) are NOT liberal studies courses and will not be used toward the fulfillment of a liberal studies Requirement for graduation purposes.

See also: Liberal Studies website (opens in new window)