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Contemporary Science Professional and Professionally-Related Table I

Professional and Professionally-Related Table I

Last offered 2018-2019.

A total of 18 technical courses is required from this Table for graduation.

Students must:

  1. select three streams and
  2. complete a minimum of six courses from each of the three streams selected. 

Students must select at least one of the following as one of their three streams:

  • Informatics
  • Computational Sciences
  • Physics

Students can only select one of either Biology or Environmental Sciences as their stream.

A course that is listed in multiple streams may only count as one credit toward one stream. In some cases, an alternative course may be used to satisfy the requirements of a particular stream. Students should meet with the Program Director regarding suitable course substitutions.


BCH 261 Biochemistry
BLG 151 Microbiology I
BLG 400 Genetics

Three of the following:

BCH 361 Advanced Biochemistry I
BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 307 Molecular Biology
BLG 340 Environmental Biology
BLG 351 Applied Microbiology
BLG 600 Physiology
BLG 888 Molecular Biology Laboratory


CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I
CHY 223 Analytical Chemistry II
CHY 242 Organic Chemistry II

Three of the following:

BCH 261 Biochemistry
BCH 361 Advanced Biochemistry I
CHY 330 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
CHY 331 Basic Chromatography
CHY 344 Inorganic Chemistry
CHY 381 Physical Chemistry I
CHY 434 Analytical Chemistry of Complex Samples
CHY 435 Advanced Chemical Instrumentation


MTH 110 Discrete Mathematics I
MTH 210* Discrete Mathematics II
MTH 330* Calculus and Geometry

Four of the following:

MTH 210* Discrete Mathematics II
MTH 322 Chaos, Fractals and Dynamics
MTH 404 Probability and Statistics II
MTH 430 Dynamic Systems Differential Equations
MTH 500 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
MTH 501 Numerical Analysis I
MTH 503 Intro Linear Programming and Applications
MTH 525 Analysis
MTH 540 Geometry
MTH 607 Graph Theory
MTH 609 Number Theory
MTH 617 Algebra
MTH 640 Complex Analysis
MTH 710 Fourier Analysis
MTH 714 Logic and Computability
MTH 718 Design and Codes
MTH 719 Applied Linear Algebra
MTH 814 Computational Complexity
MTH 816 Cryptography
MTH 817 Combinatorics
MTH 820 Image Analysis


* Students admitted to Contemporary Science in Fall 2012 or later will take MTH 110, MTH 210, plus four courses from the list.

Students admitted to Contemporary Science before Fall 2012 will take MTH 110, MTH 330, plus four courses from the list, including one of MTH 210, MTH 430, or MTH 501.


BLG 151 Microbiology I
BLG 567 Ecology
CHY 213 Analytical Chemistry I

Three of the following:

BCH 261 Biochemistry
BLG 251 Microbiology II
BLG 307 Molecular Biology
BLG 340 Environmental Biology
BLG 401 Ecotoxicology
BLG 402 Limnology
CHY 223 Analytical Chemistry II
PCS 227 Biophysics
PCS 335 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
PCS 354 Radiation Biology


CPS 109 Computer Science I
CPS 209 Computer Science II
CPS 313 Advanced Programming for Scientists
CPS 411 Data Structures for Scientists  

Two of the following:

CPS 305 Data Structures
CPS 314 Graphical Modeling
CPS 315 Database Applications for Scientists
CPS 393 Introduction to UNIX, C and C++
CPS 501 Bioinformatics
CPS 721 Artificial Intelligence I
CPS 815 Topics in Algorithms
MTH 607 Graph Theory


PCS 300 Modern Physics

Five of the following:

PCS 224 Solid State Physics
PCS 227 Biophysics
PCS 228 Electricity and Magnetism
PCS 229 Introduction to Medical Physics
PCS 335 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
PCS 352 Nuclear Physics/Radiation Protection
PCS 406 Radiation Protection/Health Physics
PCS 510 Fundamentals of Astrophysics


PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology II

Four of the following:

PSY 214 Psychopharmacology
PSY 215 Psychology of Addictions
PSY 324 Biological Psychology
PSY 434 Brain and Behaviour
PSY 514 Sensory and Perceptual Processes
PSY 518 Environmental Psychology
PSY 544 Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 654 Cognitive Psychology
PSY 714 Visual Information Processing