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Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science

Undergraduate Programs Listed Alphabetically

  • Aerospace Engineering
    Page Description:The aerospace industry encompasses a broad spectrum of technological activity in aviation and space transportation. This includes manufacturing and support operations related to airframes, propulsion systems, controls and avionics.
  • Architectural Science
    Page Description:The Bachelor of Architectural Science program prepares students for a wide range of professional roles in the construction industry. The program emphasizes studies in design, technology, and management. The long-standing reputation of the program rests in part on this unique emphasis of the curriculum.
  • Biomedical Engineering
    Page Description:Ryerson's baccalaureate program in Biomedical Engineering is one of the first standalone undergraduate Biomedical Engineering programs in Canada. Biomedical engineering is an innovative field that integrates physical, chemical, mathematical and computational sciences and engineering principles to study biology, medicine, behaviour, and health.
  • Chemical Engineering Co-Operative Program
    Page Description:Chemical Engineering is a versatile field that synergizes engineering principles and science (chemistry, biology and physics) leading to dynamic, multidisciplinary applications in the vital areas of energy, biotechnology, biochemical, environmental, polymer and food engineering.
  • Civil Engineering
    Page Description:Civil engineers plan, design, and build the infrastructure which we all use, everyday. Most of us cannot imagine a world without roads, bridges, water supply, waste treatment facilities, and power delivered to our homes. The program provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to enter the Civil Engineering profession.
  • Computer Engineering
    Page Description:Computer engineers distinguish themselves with their versatile set of skills: they can design and build computers, interface them with the outside world and make them talk to each other, develop firmware and also create system-level and user/application-level software.
  • Electrical Engineering
    Page Description:Electrical and Computer Engineering (ELCE) is a profession that is constantly changing to meet societal needs. The ELCE discipline has created significant impact on human life in the past 50 years or so, and some of the key impacts of the field in our day to day living include: electrification, telephony, television, computers, internet, imaging, media devices, home appliances, and medical technologies.
  • Industrial Engineering
    Page Description:Ryerson's Industrial Engineering program emphasizes effectiveness and efficiency in the design, operation and management of complex systems in manufacturing and services sectors. This focus is presented through a broad curriculum foundation.
  • Mechanical Engineering
    Page Description:This program prepares students for various career opportunities in Mechanical Engineering. The curriculum is designed to develop and sharpen the student's abilities to conceptualize, analyze and synthesize. It provides studies in fundamental science and mathematics, engineering science and engineering design. The main engineering areas of the curriculum are machine design, manufacturing and fabrication, materials, thermal and fluid processes and mechatronics. A balance of liberal arts and complementary studies, including some management courses, further the student's ability in communication and provide a wider understanding of the modern technological society.
  • Undeclared Engineering (First Year Studies Only)
    Page Description:Undeclared Engineering is an entry option that provides students with the opportunity to learn more about the various engineering disciplines before selecting a plan of study. The curriculum of the first semester is exactly the same as that of any of the other eight engineering plans currently offered by the Faculty.