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Professional Communication Professionally-Related Table II

Professionally-Related Table II

In total, three Table II courses must be completed, one from each group:

One course from Group 1 – Media courses:

EID 100 Digital Skills and Innovation for the Global Economy
FSN 223 Fashion Concepts and Theory
GCM 110 Introduction to Graphic Communications
MPC 201 Concepts and Theories
MPF 290 Introduction to Film Studies
NNS 101 Introduction to News Studies
RTA 920 Visual Storytelling: Video Production

One course from Group 2 – Business courses:

ACC 100 Introductory Financial Accounting
BSM 100 The New Business: From Idea to Reality
ENT 100 Applied Entrepreneurship
ENT 500 New Venture Startup
ENT 526 Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Strategy
LAW 122 Business Law
MKT 100 Principles of Marketing
RMG 100 Issues and Innovations in Retailing I

One course from Group 3 – Specialization courses:

ECN 104 Introductory Microeconomics
ECN 204 Introductory Macroeconomics
ENG 110 Literatures Across Borders
HIS 590 Modern International Relations
HIS 742 Canadian Cultural Industries
HIS 828 Science, Corporations and the Environment
INP 900 Understanding the Nonprofit Sector
MPC 210 Introduction to Visual Culture
POG 110 Power and Influence in Canadian Politics
PPA 122 Local Politics and Government
PSY 102 Introduction to Psychology I
SOC 104 Understanding Society