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Professional Table I - Performance Acting/Dance

Many courses are offered in alternate years. Contact the School of Performance for further information about scheduling.

THF 30A/B* Dance Pedagogy: Children
THF 32A/B* Vocal Pedagogy: Speech Arts
THF 340 Singing for Performers I
THF 341 Singing for Performers II
THF 40A/B* Dance Pedagogy: Adolescence
THF 310 Professional Preparation
THF 311 Dance Styles: Historical Period
THF 313 Special Topics
THF 314 Musical Theatre Repertoire
THF 315 Drama/Dance in Education: Elementary
THF 411 Dance Styles: Modern Social
THF 415 Drama/Dance in Education: Secondary
THG 32A/B* Staging the Theatrical Production
THG 42A/B* Advanced Practicum in Production
THP 312 Make-Up and Wiggery


* These two-term A/B courses course have a GPA Weight of 2.00
† Students who select THF 340 should also complete THF 341 as a Professional Table I course.