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Image Arts Professionally-Related Table II

Professionally-Related Table II

Students must complete a total of three single-term courses (or equivalent) from Table II, between 5th & 8th semester.

CMN 450 Participatory Media and Communication
EID 100 Digital Skills and Innovation for the Global Economy
ENG 110 Literatures Across Borders
ENG 208 Introduction to Non-Fiction
HIS 755 Material Cultures of North America
NPF 504 Technology, Culture and Communication I
NPF 604 Technology, Culture and Communication II
NPF 505 Independent Cinema
NPF 506 Art and Modernism
NPF 507 Critical Theory and the Image
NPF 510 Media and the Environment  
NPF 515 Gender, Identity and Sexuality in Art  
NPF 520 Queer Cinemas
NPF 525 Photography in Canada
NPF 530 Electronic and Digital Art
NPF 548 Modern Movements/Issues in Photography
NPF 549 History of Photojournalism
NPF 550 Contemporary Media Practices: A Survey
NPF 551 Digital Media and Network Culture
NPF 552 The Image Industry
NPF 553 Advanced Topics in Modern Art and Cinema
NPF 554 Advanced Topics in Contemporary Art
NPF 557 Topics in Film
NPF 558 Topics in Design
NPF 559 Advanced Topics in Curatorial Practices
NPF 560 Adv Topics in Film
NPF 561 Adv Topics in Digital Media
NPF 562 Media and Communication
NPF 563 Directors and Composers
NPF 564 Contemporary World Cinema
NPF 565 Contemporary Canadian Cinema
NPF 566 History of Animation
NPF 567 Exhibition Practices in Contemporary Art
NPF 569 Disaster Images: Memory and Response
NPF 570 Advertising and Consumer Culture
NPF 571 Introduction to Museum and Gallery Studies
NPF 572 Curatorial Practices in Toronto
NPF 573 Video Games: History, Theory, Culture
NPF 574 Aboriginal Visual Culture in Canada
NPF 605 History of Documentary Film
NPF 606 Contemporary Art Theory
NPF 607 Questions of Beauty
PSY 714 Visual Information Processing
PSY 814 Principles of Aesthetic Production
RTA 90A/B Music in Film and Media

RTA 90A/B is a multi-term course.