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Image Arts Professional Table I

Professional Table I

Students must complete a total of three single-term courses (or equivalent) from Table I, between 5th & 8th semester.

FPN 501 Scenography I: Art Direction
FPN 506 New Approaches in Documentary Photography
FPN 512 Microcinema
FPN 513 Creative Coding
FPN 519 Soundscapes and Sonic Environments
FPN 601 Scenography II - Production Design
FPN 502 Directing Screen Performance - Basic Principles
FPN 602 Directing Screen Performance - Advanced
FPN 503 Screenwriting I
FPN 603 Screenwriting II
FPN 323 Sound Design for Visual Media I
FPN 531 Cinematography and Lighting Design I
FPN 532 Advanced Studio Lighting
FPN 533 Sound Design for Visual Media II
FPN 534 Graphic Design
FPN 535 Interaction Design
FPN 536 Media Business Studies
FPN 537 Immersive Imaging
FPN 538 Visual Storytelling on the Web
FPN 539 The Human Figure
FPN 541 Digital Animation Concepts
FPN 542 Design for Mobile Devices
FPN 543 Historical Processes Workshops
FPN 544 Experimental Film Processes
FPN 545 Multimedia Workshop
FPN 546 Curation and Exhibition
FPN 547 Co-Operative Internship
NPF 555 Experimental Media
NPF 568 Analogue as Meaning
FPN 600 Film Arts and Visual Effects I
FPN 631 Cinematography and Lighting Design II
FPN 632 Advanced Studio Lighting II
FPN 633 After Images: Topics in Contemporary Art
FPN 634 Graphic Design II
FPN 700 Film Arts and Visual Effects II