Philosophy Professional Table II
Professional Table II
Fall 2015 and prior admits: A total of twelve (12) courses from Table II must be completed including a minimum of five (5) advanced courses, marked with an asterisk (*).
Fall 2016 and after admits: A total of thirteen (13) courses from Table II must be completed including a minimum of six (6) advanced courses, marked with an asterisk (*).
All students:
- Students must also complete the minimum number of courses from each category, as indicated below.
- Within Table II, cross-category courses marked with an asterisk (*), can “count” toward more than one category, (i.e. students can count PHL 502 as one of their five foundation courses and also as their History of Philosophy course) however, remember that a total of 12 courses Table II courses is required for Fall 2015 and prior admits, and a total of 13 Table II courses is required for Fall 2016 and after admits.
Minimum of one (1) History of Philosophy course:
PHL 101 | Plato and the Roots of Western Philosophy |
PHL 187 | Ancient Greek Philosophy |
PHL 210 | Introduction to Indian Philosophy |
PHL 333 | Philosophy of Human Nature |
PHL 366 | Existentialism and Art and Culture |
PHL 502* | Aristotle |
PHL 505* | Hegel and Marx |
PHL 506* | The Rationalists |
PHL 508* | The Empiricists |
PHL 511* | Kant |
PHL 516* | Foundations of Analytic Philosophy |
PHL 520 | Social and Political Philosophy |
PHL 605 | Existentialism |
PHL 607* | Contemporary Continental Philosophy |
PHL 639* | Medieval Philosophy |
PHL 661 | Marx, Nietzsche and Freud |
PHL 707* | Plato |
PHL 752* | German Idealism |
PHL 757* | Major Figures in Western Philosophy |
PHL 758* | Major Figures in Eastern Philosophy |
Minimum of two (2) Metaphysics and Epistemology courses:
PHL 110 | Philosophy of Religion I |
PHL 201 | Problems in Philosophy |
PHL 512* | Philosophy of the Emotions |
PHL 513* | Phenomenology |
PHL 514* | Mind and Agency |
PHL 515* | Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology |
PHL 521 | Personal Identity East and West |
PHL 522 | Philosophy and Death |
PHL 550 | Knowledge, Truth and Belief |
PHL 551 | Metaphysics |
PHL 552 | Philosophy of Science |
PHL 597* | Introduction to Formal Logic |
PHL 611 | Philosophy of Mind |
PHL 709 | Religion, Science and Philosophy |
PHL 711* | Language, Meaning and Truth |
PHL 714* | Philosophy of Biology |
PHL 808* | Language and Philosophy |
PHL 922* | Religious Belief, Diversity, and Truth |
PHL 923* | Philosophy of Religion II |
PHL 924* | Critical Thinking II |
Minimum one (1) Value Theory course:
PHL 365 | Philosophy of Beauty |
PHL 400 | Human Rights and Justice |
PHL 401 | Philosophy and Mass Culture |
PHL 500 | Philosophy of the Natural Environment |
PHL 501 | Oppression and the Critique of Power |
PHL 504 | Philosophy of Art |
PHL 544 | Feminist Philosophy |
PHL 603* | Modern and Contemporary Ethics |
PHL 612 | Philosophy of Law |
PHL 614 | Philosophy of Human Rights |
PHL 648 | Philosophy and Literature |
PHL 718* | Advanced Topics in Ethics |
PHL 732* | Topics in Political Philosophy |
Minimum one (1) Applied Philosophy course:
Other courses you may take to fulfill Table II requirements:
Students considering Graduate studies are strongly advised to meet regularly with the Program Director to plan their course of study to ensure sufficient breadth and depth requirements.